Midnight Coffee with Spiders.

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A/N: Hello lovely readers. *ducking as a knife comes to part my head in two*! Sorry guys I know I haven't updated in like a whole year but I know. I wrote this whole chapter and it didn't save! Oh My God!! *crying* and here I am. Typing it all again! But , first of all : Happy 2k17 to all of my loves out there!! Last year and the year before wasn't all sunshine and icecreams for me and I went into a really bad case of depression too. But its all okay now...so Back to Wattpad!
Enough rantings , Let's go!!





"Hein"? The sound made Sakura jerk her head up. "When did I bring my alarm clock with me?"

Inner Sakura: "It's your cellphone , idiot!"

Oh! Sakura swiped on her screen and grimaced at the caller ID. It read - 'Ass'.

Sakura picked up the phone. "What do you want in the middle of the night now?" She asked icily.

"Oh aren't you a little overpolite with your master?" A silky voice asked.

"No. I'm not. Are you going to tell me why you called or I'll just assume you were having seizures again." Sakura retorted.


"Hm" Sakura mocked him.


"Don't you know anything beside grunting on the phone?" She asked , her temper starting to flare.


"That's it Uchiha! If you don't have anything else to do except to mess my already fucked up life then go and crawl in some corner and die!" She howled like a banshee.

"Tch. You shouldn't be using this kind of language Sa-ku-ra." Sasuke answered as if her name was rolling off as smoothly on his tongue.

"I don't freakin' care of my damn language!" She paused. "I hate my life Uchiha and I hate you!"

Sasuke traced a hint of tension in her voice and his mind clouded with doubts.

"Where are you?"

Sakura was taken aback by such a blunt question. "Outside my building! Those little mother-" she was about to curse but she heard him say "5 minutes."

And he hung up.

"I don't know what he meant by 5 minutes". She spoke to nobody in particular.

She put on her earphones and closed her eyes. Humming the same tune as of the song when suddenly she heard the screeching of tyres. Her emerald orbs snapped open.

A black car stood outside her building in which the ebony haired man was motioning her to come.

She got inside the car and emerald orbs met midnight ones.

She sighed and Sasuke started to drive.


*Some More Silence*

*Some More Dead Silence*

"Aah! Why isn't someone saying anything!" Sakura cried.

Sasuke turned up the radio's volume and smirked to himself.

"Fine. I won't say anything. But atleast tell me where are we going?" Sakura asked.

Sasuke shrugged his shoulders and kept in driving.

After 5 long minutes , the car stopped and Sasuke got out. It seemed to be a 24×7 cafè with not many people inside .

Sasuke beckoned Sakura to come.

"But I'm in my bathrobe." She cried and Sasuke seemed lost.

"Just come." He finally said and Sakura obliged.

They went inside and chose a corner table and ordered two coffees.

"So, what has made your life so bad?" Sasuke asked nonchalantly.

"Well...." Sakura took a long sip and began her rant.


They came out of the café and got in the car.

"You'll be staying with me." Sasuke stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Sakura looked up at his face for any trace of humour and saw none.

As Sakura was about to speak , Sasuke spoke , "Jin will see to all your needs."

Sakura smiled.

She looked out of the window and smiled to herself. This brat wasn't so bad. Sasuke smirked when he saw her smile to herself.

Life isn't that bad. He thought.



"There aren't any spiders around, right?"

Sasuke smirked.

Sakura blushed.

Yes. Life isn't that bad now they see it in a new light.

A/N: Done!! :)

Tell me how is it . Afterall I'm posting after so long.
Enjoy. :)
Ja ne!
Love uh all!! :*
Vote and comment!
Mio~ signing off!!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 25, 2017 ⏰

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