Chapter 10

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~Nathanael's P.O.V~

I open my front door harshly and slam it shut. My breathing too fast. I lean on the door and slide down.

"F-Fuck..." I run a hand through my hair and try to stop my breathing. I touch my neck as my eyes dart around the room. A mirror. I need a mirror. I throw my things aside and stumble to the bathroom.

I look in the mirror and pull my collar down a bit. Fuck. Love bites trailed down to my collarbone and up around my neck. I can feel the heat rush to my face.

"No no no" I mumble. "How... how do I hide this?"

What if (Y/n) sees this? She's going to hate me and think I've always wanted Chat Noir or Adrien.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

"Uh what about the kiss?" I can't help but feel the heat rush to my face.

"I didn't mean to kiss you so suddenly" She avoids my gaze. "But... that doesn't mean it didn't mean anything."

Marinette's cheeks flush. Her hands fiddle and she makes eye contact with me again. I just stare at her.

"(Y/n), for a long time I've had a crush on you" Her voice like the fluffiest pillow. "I could even say...I love you."

My throat goes dry as my heart pounds against my ribcage. What should I do? What should I say?


"I don't expect you to return these feelings" She says, looking down. "I don't expect you to even talk to me after this."

No. The look in her eyes in something I've never seen in Marinette. Vulnerability. I've never seen her vulnerable. Yes, she would often look sad but she never lost hope. But that's the look that took over her face.

She looks vulnerable and hopeless because of me.

"I'll be going" She turns around but I take a step forward.

"Marinette! Wait!"

~Marinette's P.O.V~

She believed it. I had to stop myself from smiling when she told me to wait. Yes, what I said earlier was true. I don't expect her to return the feelings but what does that matter?

I don't expect her to talk to me after this but I won't let that happen, obviously.

I force my lips down and turn to see her hesitating.

"Marinette, please..." She stammers over her words. How cute. "Don't leave."

I tilt my head a bit. Yes. She's falling for it. For everything. This isn't like me at all but anything for her kisses and more.

"Why?" If my plan goes well, I'll have something to hold against her. A leverage. I never knew it'd be this easy to manipulate her. It's probably because I'm her best friend.

Her hand goes around my wrist. She opens her mouth to say something. Just do it. Come on. Suddenly, her phone rings. Damn it.

Her chest heaves as if she's able to breathe again. Shit. It's falling apart. We both look at the caller ID.

It's Nathanael. Oh no. I have to do something. (Y/n) answers but before she can say anything, I grab her face and smash my lips on hers.

The phone clatters to the floor and I shut my eyes. God I missed her lips. Ayla is going to hate me for this. She told me not to do anything but here I am.

At first, (Y/n) just stands here, obviously shocked at my action.

"(Y/n)? Are you there?" Nathanael's voice sounds from her phone. (Y/n) pulls away, her face red.

"Marinette, I think you should leave" She says. I got what I need. I grab her hand and hold it tight.

"I'll see you later, (Y/n)" I give her a friendly smile before letting her hand go and walking out her door. "Tell Nathanael I said hi."

~Nathanael's P.O.V~

I look at the marks again.

"Ah...Hello? Nathanael?" I don't know why I called her.

"(Y/n)...I" I should tell her. She'll be understanding about this. It's her, after all. "I...Sorry I forgot why I called."

A nervous laugh escapes my lips. Dammit. I'm too scared to know her reaction. I should've done something before he made the marks. But I was too shocked, to say the least.

I can't explain it.

"No, that's okay" Her voice is a bit shaky too.

"Are you alright? I heard someone there" I hear (Y/n) clear her throat and let out a chuckle.

"Ah that was Marinette" She answers. "She was...just dropping off some stuff and Marinette said hi before she left."

"Oh well too late to say hey back" I chuckle. "Well I'll text you later, okay?"

We both say good bye and I hang up. I can't tell her anything now. Who wouldn't trust a hero? She's going to believe him unless I can get proof that it was Chat Noir. But how?


Maybe record him? I could hide my phone somewhere where he won't see it and then show (Y/n) and explain everything.

Then what? What will happen after? I'll just have to wait and see.

I step away from my desk and join my parents for dinner.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

Why did she kiss me again? Marinette never acted like that so why now? I would confront her but I'm afraid she's going to pull another move like that.

What am I going to tell Nathanael? What if he gets mad and breaks things off? It's too early for stuff to happen like this. Would he understand? Maybe.

But I can't keep this from him. It'll only make it worse. How do I tell him? Will he even believe me?

"Ah!" My foot taps on the floor. I have to think before anything else happens. I can't really ignore Marinette, she's too close to just cut her off.

I can't let this happen again though. I'll just slowly depart from her.

Let's just see what happens tomorrow.


Ah this chapter is a bit short. Things are now getting interesting and I know the two heroes would never acted like this but this is my story so deal with it my dudes.

The reason I am taking so long is because I'm working on a couple of books which will be published soon if I finish them and ya know school.

Please, I ask for your patience. Thank you


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