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Andrea was scrubbing the kitchen counters when the door bell rang. She was cursing the person on the other side; the UPS man always had a knack for showing up just as Nate was going down for his afternoon nap. When she opened the door, she let out a gasp standing on the other side of the door was Principal Whitesides. She just wasn't prepared for that. They just starred at each other for what seemed like five minutes.

"Good afternoon Andrea. May I come in?"

"Principal Whitesides." Andrea suddenly felt very self conscious she was wearing a ratty t-shirt, cut off jogging pants, her hair was in a greasy pony tail and she had no makeup on. She felt like Cinderella talking to her wicked stepmother.

"Please call me Jennifer. Is this a good time?"

"I guess so. Come in. Can I get you anything?"

"No, no this won't take long."

"Well, have a seat."

They sat face to face in the formal living room. There was something about Principal Whitesides that made Andrea uncomfortable. Like she was one of her high school students, she had a cold steely appraising stare that just made you sit up straight and mind yourself. Andrea had never really noticed before but she was pretty attractive, like a sexy librarian. She had dark brown hair had these really pretty light brown almost honey colored highlights, she had really pretty olive skin and dark brown eyes. Her cat-like glasses actually made her look mysterious. She was almost 5'9 with long athletic legs; she must run marathons or something. She even dressed pretty trendy for a teacher, she had on a really cute cotton wrap dress and a cropped sweater and heels high heels. But it was her demeanor; she seemed so strong so sure of herself even sitting there in Andrea's living room after she had slept with her husband, Andrea was the one who felt guilty. There is no way her students could even stand a chance going up against her. I guess if you had to wrangle hormone fueled teenagers for a living you'd want her demeanor.

She cleared her throat and started talking, "Andrea, look, I know this is well awkward, very awkward so I am just going to come out and say what I have to say. I love Steven. I think we have a real shot at being happy together. I would be good for him; I think we would be good for each other."

Andrea just starred at her and she kept going her voice so smooth and steady like she was ordering a deli sandwich not trying to take her husband away from her.

"I want you to know that we have been good friends all these years and we never crossed the line. It was when I thought you were separated. I'm very sorry; I never meant to hurt you or Nate."

"Does Steven know that you are here? Did he ask you to come?"

"No he does not. I didn't tell him I was coming here. We haven't really talked since, since that night. He has kept a healthy distance from me. I am here on my own. I am here because I love him."

"Why not talk to him? Why me?"

"Because we are two smart women and I thought we could settle this between ourselves. You know Steven his need to do the right thing will overshadow what is really in his best interests. He is such an honorable man he would stay with you and Nate regardless of whatever he wanted."

"How do you know that this is what he wants?"

"I know this sounds crazy, I just do. I know him you don't spend all that time with someone and not know them."

Andrea's temper was getting the best of her. "How much time have you spent with my husband exactly?"

Jennifer just kept talking to her in a smooth and even tone, like she was talking to a ferial dog about ready to bite her. "Andrea how many nights were you working late? How many school functions did Steven go too alone? I will tell you all of them. I never saw you at one school function you were always working."

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