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Andrea was the only person up taking a shower at six in the morning. The house was so still and quiet as she put on her makeup. Janet wondered into the bathroom her eyes bleary with sleep wearing an oversized t-shirt with large Tau Omega letters on it and her hair was sticking straight up on one side from all the hairspray.

"Hey you," Janet whispered. She then stopped as her eyes got really big and she screamed, "Oh my God. Did I see you talking to Nick Darcy last night?"

"Janet, keep it down. People are sleeping, you know."

She sat on the bathroom counter and said, "Tell me everything. Right now."

"Nothing to tell we just talked that's it."

"Andrea, I know you are bit of a bookworm and don't get out much, but do you know who he is?"

"Nick Darcy president of Tau Omega," she replied shaking her head in disbelief.

"Andrea, Darcy, that name doesn't sound familiar to you at all?"

"Well, yeah like the restaurant chain?"

"Yes, like the restaurants, the real estate, the retail stores...that Darcy. Nick Darcy is loaded, " Janet ticked off each on her fingers.

"You mean his family is loaded," Andrea said as she tickled Janet's nose with her blush brush.

"Whatever and he's totally hot too. I went to high school with him, like every girl at New Town wanted to date him. He was like a super football/basketball/baseball star."

"Wow, does he walk on water and can he make water into wine too?"

"Andrea, I am just saying that he's kinda a catch and there are a lot of girls who would want to be with him."

"And they can. He's all theirs. I'm not interested."

"You are a total freak. I'm going to back to bed. See you later. Could you bring me back one of those muffins I like? Pretty please." She said as she stretched and yawned.

Andrea walked to work thinking about what Janet said silently laughing to herself. No wonder he was so taken aback when she didn't know who he was. Nick Darcy wasn't used to women not falling at his feet. When she got to work at seven there were already a few regulars camped out at the mismatched tables, Bob Marley was on the radio singing Could you be loved as the smell of homemade orange scones filled the air.

Max Lane had his dreadlocks tied into a pony tail and was in the back kitchen making muffins when Andrea walked in. "Hey, Drea. How was the summer?"

"Good, work mostly, and then some more work. How 'bout you?"

"I went to India. It was cool, kinda transcendental. Ya know? I think I may have reached a higher level of consciousness, but who's to say really?"

"I can't that's for sure, but good for you," she said as she poured herself a cup of hazelnut coffee. She was just about to read her tattered copy of Jane Austen's Emma when she heard his voice. "So what does a guy have to do to get a cup of coffee around here?"

In spite of herself, she was glad that she put on makeup this morning. Her heart jumped when she replied, "Just place an order. It's really just that simple."

"Okay, then I'll have whatever you're having."

She placed a cup of coffee on the counter for him. He took a sip as he looked around the room with an amused smile on his face. "So, this is where you work?"

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