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Andrea sat in the atrium at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, waiting for her Aunt Millie and her cousin Connie. The atrium was the most peaceful place on earth. The lush chairs and couches framed by coffee tables that were the perfect height to lounge over a relaxing tea. The large fountain was flanked by a wall of glass. This was their yearly ladies tea. Aunt Millie was usually so frugal, raising five kids forced her to be, but this was her one big extravagance. She sat there sipping cucumber water and fiddling with her new PDA that Fred got for when he promoted her.

"Andrea, honey, there you are," Aunt Millie said as she gave her a hug. Aunt Millie was a force of nature all five feet of her.

"Look at you. That job is paying you well," Connie said as she admired her purse and shoes.

"Yep, it's going well, real well. You are looking at the new director of marketing" she replied.

"Congrats, that's wonderful news and after what...," her aunt inquired.

"Four years. I have been there four years," Andrea replied.

They all sat in silence as they looked at the menu for afternoon tea service.

"Honey, it wasn't a problem for you getting away in the middle of the day was it? I mean with your promotion and all." her aunt asked.

"Ma, she works thirteen hour days. She'll be there until nine tonight," Connie answered for her.

Andrea gave Connie a look and responded, "Nope, it wasn't a problem. I wouldn't miss this for anything. And by the way, it's on me."

"Great then I'm ordering Champaign," Connie said.

"Connie, really, how did I raise you?"

"Like a feral dog, ma," she replied.

Once the pots of steaming fragrant teas were set in front of them, Connie went in for the kill. "So, are you seeing anyone?"

"You mean dating? No, I am not dating."

"Andrea, it's been what five years? Don't you think it's time to get back out there?"

"It's been seven years. I have been back out there. I am not interested," she said thinking about two horrible blind dates and then the one unfortunate one night stand she had.

"There's someone, his name is Steven. I think you'd like him. He's from Davenport," Aunt Millie said

"Where's Davenport?" Andrea asked.

"Iowa," Connie answered.

"So, how do you know this Steven from Davenport Iowa?"

Aunt Millie started to sputter a bit, "He's the son of an old family friend."

Connie could see she wasn't buying it, "Okay, here's the deal. He works out with Bill. He teaches high school history in the city on the west side. He's a really nice guy."

"So, you want to set me up with some guy your husband works out with? Nope. Thanks but no way."

"Andrea, I really think you should at least meet him. You are probably so different that it won't work out or maybe you'll fall in love with him. Who knows?" her aunt said encouragingly.

"Been there done that. Not interested. Let's change the subject," Andrea said tersely.

Connie and Aunt Mille exchanged an uncomfortable look.

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