CHAPTER NINETEEN: Ghost of an Ex-boyfriend Past

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It was almost midnight when the initiation ceremony was over and Andrea was so tired she didn't have a chance to call Steven back. When she did fall asleep she dreamt of Nate. In her dreams she couldn't find him and kept calling out for him. She was searching through her house for him and couldn't remember where she put him down. She was opening every closet, looking under the beds, and even in the oven. She woke up with the sound of Nate's cries in her ears because of a loud knock at her door. For a moment she panicked and couldn't remember where she was. She jumped out of bed and was going to run into Nate's room before she remembered she was at the sorority house. She opened the door and found Nancy standing there head to toe in the most fashionable work out gear Andrea had ever seen. She had on a tight running jacket with matching tight track pants and the pink and lime green stripe on her extremely expensive running shoes matched the trim on her track suit. She looked like a professional athlete modeling sportswear.

"Okay, sleepy head it is time to work out." She trilled way too cheerfully.

Andrea just stood there blinking back the sleep.

"You do have workout clothes don't you?" She asked not trying to hide the irritation in her voice.

"Yeah I brought my shoes and a pair of sweat pants, but I just can't work out today."

"Yes you can! And yes you will! I will give you five minutes to get ready. I will go into the kitchen and get us some water and two power bars."

Andrea grabbed her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth when her phone rang. She dug it out from her purse that was littered with an empty bottle, two diapers, and three binkies.


She heard Nate crying in the back ground, "Hi honey. How's it going?"

"Steven is everything okay? How is Nate doing?"

"Um he is okay. I you may have bought the wrong formula the other day because he is spitting it out and crying. What brand did you get?"

"I bought Phormalac," she responded.

"Oh, no, he uses Symalac. They look almost identical but are totally different. I could see how that could happen."

"Okay, what are you going to do?" she asked him in a panicked strained voice.

"I can give him some water with a splash of apple juice that will make him very happy." Steven explained in a calm voice.

"There might be a packet of the travel formula in the cabinet over the sink. You can leave a list for Aunt Millie and she can go to the store later to get the right formula," she added trying to help him while feeling completely useless and helpless. What kind of mother doesn't buy the right kind of formula for her baby? The kind that leaves her baby to go back to college.

"Okay, sounds good. I will talk to you later," and with that a frazzled Steven hung up the phone. She was just standing there holding her cell phone with toothpaste smeared all over her lips.

In popped, Nancy armed with water and power bars. "You're still not ready! Let's go, let's go, let's go that baby weight isn't just going to disappear on its own let's get to work."

Andrea was really starting to question her sanity. She should be at home with her son and her husband not getting ready to have a perky co-ed torture her for an hour.

Nancy just looked at her watch and said, "Okay, I will be in the car waiting for you. See you in five."

Andrea left her tooth brush and pulled her hair into a pony tail.  When she put on her baggy sweat pants, she noticed they either had a paint stains or what could be baby vomit on the knee. She just shook her head as she pulled on a t-shirt from Steven's high school with a bald eagle on the front and a medium sized hole in her left arm pit. She checked her arm pits to see if they were hairy. Shaving had become a luxury these days. She tried to keep her arm pits shaved, but her legs. The effort involved to keep her legs shaved was just too much for her. She never realized how long the hair on her legs could get. She tried to tell herself that she was being European, but the truth, the truth was she couldn't get in together enough to shave her legs once a week. Compared to Nancy she looked like the extremely ugly step sister all she needed to complete her look was a mustache and a few pimples to add to the over- all effect. As she walked out the side door she noticed that fraternity next store had their pledges out cleaning the yard of cigarette butts and beer cans. She also saw a man sleeping on a bed on their front porch.

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