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Andrea was really nervous, she wasn't sure why because she was just going to lunch with Fred. She asked Aunt Millie again, "So, how do I look?"

Aunt Millie had a big smile on her face, "Like a million bucks kiddo."

"I will be back no later than 2. We'll have plenty of time to get to your doctor's appointment at 3," her mind was racing between taking care of Nate and Aunt Millie's doctor appointments she felt like she was managing a small country.

"Don't you worry about it for one second; you just go to your lunch meeting," Aunt Millie said as she patted her on her back.

"What time is Steven coming to pick up Nate?"

"He said he'd call on his way home from school."


"Honey, have you two talked yet?"

"We haven't had the talk yet," Andrea said sadly as she put her shoes on.

"You will, he'll come around."

"I hope so, I really hope so."

Andrea forgot what it was like to put on work clothes. She felt like a little girl playing dress up the last several months she spent in jeans and sweaters. Putting on a skirt and heels felt so foreign to her now. She had been home for three weeks and she hadn't worked up the nerve to talk to Steven. She had been so busy taking care of Aunt Millie and Nate. She never really had the energy. Her excuse was that she was giving Steven space. She actually had been working on a business plan for a website for new mothers. It was just for fun but she found herself spending more and more time on it. She sent Nick an email letting him know she was back home and still breathing. He sent back a short email saying that was great and he hoped that everything would work out the way she wanted it to.

When she arrived at the restaurant, she had to smile to herself it was the trendiest business lunch place in the city. She looked around the room and actually recognized some of the faces from the pages of Crain's Business. This was so Fred, to pick a hot spot like this to have lunch, to be seen and be seen. Andrea was glad that she could fit into her old work clothes. Although since she hadn't been doing her morning work outs with Nancy, she had started to get a bit doughy. She checked in and waited for Fred. He was always, always late, Andrea thought it was a power play on his part. Like I am so very busy, I will get to the meeting when I get there. It drove Andrea crazy, since she was the type to get to meetings at least ten minutes early. She always felt that it was disrespectful to keep people waiting. Since being a mom, she learned to treasure whatever down time she could get even if it was at a busy restaurant at lunchtime. She could just sit and relax for a few minutes.

When Fred finally arrived, he had a scowl on his face and was talking very fast into his cell phone. He gave Andrea the cell phone nod and walked back out of the restaurant. She watched him as he was gesturing wildly in the air. If you didn't see the mini phone in his hand you'd think he was a complete lunatic. It was the first time she really looked at Fred. He was pushing 50. He was handsome in a way with his slicked back salt and pepper hair. Fred had a little space in his front teeth and was starting to get the middle age pudge around his middle. He always wore shirts that were special order from London. His shoes were special order from Italy. The fact he had made a point of letting Andrea know this, seemed a bit tacky although the thought never occurred to her until now. He finally snapped his phone shut, and walked in with a big smile on his face.

He walked over to her with outstretched arms, "There's my girl." He gave her one of those semi-hugs; as he put his arms around her but didn't really touch her.

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