Chapter Nine

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The next morning came too soon, Kylo basically ordered me out of bed, and if I didn't get up there would be serious consequences. I didn't want another incident like yesterday happening again.

I couldn't believe he hit me! Never in my entire life have I ever been hit like that.

The pain was horrible, Kylo was very strong, much stronger than me so it hurt really bad. I could feel the bruising already appearing on my cheek.

"Jessica, Get up, now." Kylo demanded for the millionth time, this time I reluctantly got up and obeyed his orders, mumbling under my breath.

"Okay okay." I hobbled over the the bathroom, I was surprised to see a new pair of clothes sitting on the counter. A old plain black pair of leggings, a blank tank top, the same old brown combats boots, and some other necessities.

"I don't need the attitude, it will not be tolerated. Don't you recall your little... incident last night?" Kylo growled outside the door. I just chose to ignore it, I didn't wanna get on Mr.grumpy's bad side.

After doing what I had to do, I step out of the bathroom and glance around the room in search for Kylo.

Kylo turned towards me, he already had his mask and entire usual attire on, he seemed to be getting impatient with me.

He scanned me over just like before, but this time it was more of a gawk. His helmet scanned slowly over my entire body before I cleared my throat and crossed my arms over my chest protectively.

"Alright, let's move it." He motioned for me to follow, I quickly caught up to his fast pace and trailed beside him.

My short legs could barely keep up with his long quick pace, leaving me out of breath as I continued to follow after him to the training arena.


Kylo removed his helmet and cloak, resting it on the small metal chair beside the table, he was left only wearing black pants and a plain black t-shirt.

I cursed myself for staring at his toned arms, but I couldn't rip my eyes away from he beautiful body.

"Enjoying the view?" Kylo questioned, zero humour or amusement in his voice. Would it kill to show emotion?

Yes. I heard a small voice in the back of my head causing me to jump and widen my eyes in surprise.

"What was that?" I look around the room frantically.

Don't be alarmed, I'm only projecting my thoughts to you. Kylo's voice ringing in my head.

"How? Why? What?" Words jumbled out of my mouth in a hurry, leaving me confused.

We will be focusing on closing and blocking off your mind and also projecting your thoughts to me. Kylo stepped towards me and I instinctively stepped back, instead of him coming any closer to me he sat down on the squishy blue mat, crossing his legs.


I slowly sat down in front of Kylo and crossed my legs, chewing on my bottom lip nervously. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad? I thought anxiously.

"Will I get to..."probe" others minds and read their thoughts? Like you do to me?" I say, unable to help myself by throwing in that last part. I pray that he doesn't lash out at me.

I was curious at what he was teaching me, how could I not be? I've never heard of such thing till now.

He seemed to ignore my remark, his face creasing in concentration.

|The Menace| A Kylo Ren Fan-fictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin