Chapter Four

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I sat on the bed for what seemed like hours. my mind raced with a million thoughts; most of them were how I was going to get out of here and if I would ever see my home again.

I couldn't possibly believe he wants me to Join the First Order! No way in hell would I ever join these murderers, I'd rather die! Which it might come to it in the end. Why did he want to train me of all people, I'm no one special?

I thought about it for awhile but couldn't come up with an answer, what if I did join? I hated myself for even thinking about it! There was no way I was going to join these people, they murder everything and everyone who stands in their way and I refuse to turn out to be a killer like him.

I stood up from my laying position on the bed and walked over to what I assumed to be the bathroom. I opened the door and was met with the same black shiny floor and black walls, a mirror and a sink in the far corner along with a shower/bath beside the toilet. It was surprisingly nice.

After a couple minutes of debating whether or not I should shower, I turned on the water and stripped off my filthy clothes before stepping into the hot shower. Who knows when I'd have another chance to shower and this might be my only chance.

After 30 minutes of showering I finally stepped out, letting the cool crisp air hit me causing me to shiver lightly.

I never got warm showers back home, I had my own little special spot where I washed up, but that was it. It was a giant water fall 20 minutes away from the village. It was quite a walk but there wasn't anyone else around so it was worth it. The water was clean and cool, relaxing on a hot day.

I grabbed the towel I set out before I got in and wrapped myself up in it, it managed to give me back some warmth.

I sighed heavily and tried to dry my hair, the foggy mirror preventing me from seeing anything.

It finally hit me that I didn't have any extra clothes with me and I didn't want to put back on my old dirty ones, that was gross.

I stood awkwardly in the bathroom shivering under my towel as I debated on what to do, finally I stepped out of the bathroom making sure that no one was in the room and tip toed over to the closet. Fuck! What the hell am I supposed to do now?!

Peering inside I was hoping to maybe find some female clothes but I highly doubted it.

Pulling out the first thing I saw which was a black large plain t-shirt along with some grey jogging pants. I was confused on why there was still clothes in here, especially male clothes. Wasn't this a room for prisoners? Even so, it was rather nice and very spacious for a captive.

I quickly threw back on my bra and underwear that I was wearing before since there wasn't any extras in the room, and then put on the shirt and pants.

The clothes were definitely for guys since the shirt was almost a dress on my 5"6 frame, the pants swamped me; dragging past my feet and I had to tie them up tightly at my waist to prevent them from falling down.

Boredom started to set in again as I paced around the room, taking in all the details. My mind raced again with thoughts about home, I refused to give up on escaping.

The door suddenly opened again and in stepped Kylo, instantly he removed his mask once the door had closed and put it back down on the table.

He motioned for me to go sit down on the bed, and instead of fighting him or arguing
I quietly stepped over to the bed before sitting down.

I sat there awkwardly for a couple of seconds before speaking up; "So when am I going home?"

He let out a deep sigh, "I already told you, you're not going home. I am getting tired of going over this, this conversation is over and you will listen to me."

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