Chapter Twenty-Two.

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“Oh Felicia,” I say. “I’m real sorry you had to go through that, For real.”

“As long it doesn’t happen again, I’m good.”

“So we are going to beat some oreo ass, you down?” Evelyn says looking in her rearview mirror back at Felicia.

“Hell yeah I’m down. What better way to cheer me up.” She says with a smile.

“That’s my girl.” I say looking back at her.

When we pull up at school there isn’t much people there. The one and only Ava is standing by her car. As if she was waiting for us to come.

“Morning guys!” She said cheerfully. “You all look you got a ton of beauty sleep.” She says sarcastically while flipping her Midnight black #43 hair over her shoulder.

“You will too once I-”

“Pause for a second while I get my crew.” She says. Soon enough Katina comes up behind her.

Hola Putas.” She says with a little wave.

“Ava, we all know it was you that put Felicia in jail.” I say stepping up to her.

“Why would I go out of my way to put your little friend over there in jail?”

“Because you’re so jealous-”

“Be serious for once in your life Nicky.” Ava spat. “Why would I be jealous of you? I got the guy and you’re left alone. I think I’m pretty much accomplished everything.” She grins back at Katina.

“Why do you hate me so much Ava? Why? Just bringing up bullshit that don’t got nothin’ to do with your ass.”

“I get into whomever’s business I want.” She takes step closer to me so we are about two inches from each other. She could easily hit me, and I could easily hit back.

“You’re a sleazy broad you know that?”

“And your ghetto bitch.”

Right after she said the last word, she dropped her bag to hit me. I grabbed my face, forgetting she had the opportunity to hit me and she took it.

Thank God, I did not wear any earring today. I sent a shot of my own and then grabbing whatever I could to get a good hold of her. I felt her scratch the other side if my face, as I tackled her to the ground. She threw her hands at me so fast I didn’t even know what else to do. I also felt Katina try and throw a punch at me but I think either Evelyn or Felicia had her taken care of.  I felt Felicia pull me off of Ava.

“We got you girl. You lucky we took you off her or you would have got her hospital bill.” She laughed.

“Get your disgusting hands off me!” Ava screamed and the security holding her. “That bitch over there started it! Get her not me!” She threw her arms and legs everywhere like a little girl throwing a tantrum.

“Just wait until my mom hears about this mess.” She screamed again as they brought her into the building.

“Miss. Prince, Miss. Pace and Miss Rodriguez come with me.” It was Mrs. Reed. “Nice to see you again Necole.” She smirked. Mrs. Reed and I had our problems back in ninth grade when I didn’t give up my phone when asked; I had detention for a week.

We all sat down in her office. “You guys know why you’re here so let me just-”

“Actually,” Felicia cuts her off. “I don’t know, I just got out of jail and I really don’t need this bull-”

Mrs. Reed gave her a look. “Then fine I’ll give you all five days sound fair enough?”

“Five days?” I ask. “For what? Ava was the one you had to calm down and she hit me first!”

“I nor do the principle think it matters who hit whoever first. We have a no fighting policy at Rivera; I think you all know that.”

“I sure do.” Evelyn mutters.

“Then it’s settled! Five days of in-school suspension.”

“In-School suspension?” Evelyn asked confused. “If I finna get suspended I-”

“I ain’t gonna stay in school for my suspension.” Felicia rolls her eyes. “Fuc-”

“Ladies.” Mrs. Reed gives me a look. I don’t why the hell she lookin’ at me like that I didn’t do anything to the broad. “That’s enough.” She says gazing towards the door.

I got up from my seat out the door. “I can’t believe this shit.” I say when we reach the hallway.

“Fo real.” Evelyn says. “The hell is in-school suspension?”

“We’ll find out soon enough.” I mumble.

“Did you see those girls out there?”

We here a voice from down the hallway. “Yeah, those girls are always fighting about something.” We hear a locker slam.

“I know right. I can’t believe Nathan would date a girl who would pat her hair ten times a day.” One of the girls laugh.

“Thank God he has me now.”  Then they left.

“What the hell?” I say walking out into the same hallway the two girls were in. “Who were they? They lucky I didn’t get their faces because they were lookin’ for a beat down.” I put my hand on my forehead, processing what I just heard. Nathan is kicking it with a new girl now; I just need to find out who she is.

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