Chapter 11

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Peter says, "Joey isn't ready to talk yet, but he will tell us what happened when he is ready..... so you're probably wondering if we ever found Andy, we did. He was taken by the same guys, but we didn't find Andy, they brought Andy to us. Joey and Kate were feeling very depressed and worried that their son was not alive. Two days after we found Joey, Allie got a text from an anonymous number that asked for us to meet at the grocery store that the car accident happened at. Me and Ally are trying to figure out whether we should just go or if we should tell Joey and Kate about the text message. We didn't need to tell Joey because he overheard us. He came running downstairs and he said, "i'm coming with you, and don't say I can't go. That's my son out there." Me and Allie said ok. So we took Joey's car to the grocery store and we stood there for about an hour waiting for the people to show up. We didn't know who we were looking for, but from the corner of Allie's eye she saw a little kid walking towards them. She looked over and realized it was Andy. She said, "Joey, Peter, its Andy." With no thought in his mind Joey ran towards Andy, picked him up, spun him around, and hugged him and held onto him and started to cry and kept repeating, "I love you so much." So we brought him home. A week has passed since then, and like I said earlier Joey still won't tell us what happened to him when he was kidnapped."
Allie tells more of the story. She says, "he has been acting very strange lately, but we will talk to him tonight.....we will let you know what happens. Spencer says, "ok, I gotta get back to the station."
Spencer leaves and Allie and Peter go to Joey's house.
When Allie walks in the house, she hears Joey yelling, he says, "YOU'RE ALWAYS TELLING ME WHAT TO DO, JUST STOP. IM A GROWN MAN I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF." Allie sees him walk upstairs in anger. She walks into the kitchen and sees Kate and says, "what happened? Is everything ok?" Kate says, "I just asked him how his day at work was, and then I asked if he could take out the trash and he flipped out on me." Allie says, "I'll go talk to him." Peter walks in the door and goes upstairs with Allie to talk to Joey." They knock on the bedroom door. Joey says, "WHAT!" Allie and Peter open the door and Allie says, "what's going on? I heard you yelling at Kate." Joey says, "I didn't mean to, I'm just tired that's all." Peter says, "I think it's more then that....." Joey gives him an annoyed and angry look. Joey says, "it's not, just leave me alone." Peter says, "it's been about 2 weeks since things have happened and you still haven't talked about it....." Joey interrupts and says, "I DON'T NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. I TOLD YOU IM FINE. please leave." Allie says, "we aren't going anywhere." Joey says, "well then I'll go." Joey closes his laptop and leaves the room and goes downstairs. Allie and Peter follow him. Allie says, "Joey wait." Joey turns around and says, "WHAT! What do you want me to say? That I'm angry? That I'm sad? That I'm scared? Well I am....." Allie says, "we are here for you. Please Joey, tell us what happened." Joey loooks around and says, "where's Kate?" Allie says, "she took Andy to the store." Joey says, "this isn't easy to say, I haven't even said it out loud. Once I do, it will become real, and all the emotions will come out." Allie says, "we are here for you." Joey says, "when I woke up in the jail cell, I saw so many other people in jail cells next me. They were all beaten and had scares all over. When I was taken into that room, things happened in there, some that I can't remember because I was beaten so hard. It was cold and dark, I couldn't see anything. All I could hear was the guys voice, my screams and I could feel the pain. He tortured me and he....." Allie says, "he what?" Joey says, "no I can't do this, I'm sorry." Joey leaves the room and goes upstairs. Peter stays downstairs and Allie follows Joey upstairs. Allie says, "Joey, what is it?" Joey says, "this is the last thing that I want to tell my cousin." Allie says, "Joey, what is it?" Joey pulls up his shirt and shows Allie the scars on his chest and his back. Joey says, "wanna know what those are from? A whip, a rope and barb wire. He liked to use different things. These scars will always be here to remind me of what happened, and he knew that, that's what he wanted. He wanted to wound me deep down to my core. You know what it worked....." Allie says, "Joey, don't let him win. You will get through this." Joey says, "is this the kind of stuff that Garret did to you? If it is, then how did you get through all of that? How did you get it out of your head?" Allie says, "I prayed, and my friends, Peter and RJ went through the same thing. We helped each other. We can help you.....Joey you have to tell Kate." Joey says, "I will."

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