Chapter 5- Secrets Unfold

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Spencer comes running into the conference room at the protective custody headquarters. He tells his team that he heard Peter, Allie, and RJ talking about how there are other things that have happened to them like this before, but it was by different people....the director tells Spencer to keep an eye and an ear out for anything that might give clues to what has happened to Allie. He also says that he will do the same with Peter and asks for JJ to do the same with RJ.

Spencer brings Allie to his apartment. The whole ride there he couldn't get out of his head what he had overheard. They walk into the apartment and Spencer says, "well this is where you will be staying for a while, um, make yourself at home. Let me show you you room." Spencer walks Allie to the bedroom. She notices that there is only one bedroom in his apartment. She stops and says, "Spencer, it looks like there's only one bedroom...." Spencer turns around and says, "there is. You get the room, I'll stay out on the couch and be a lookout in case the guys find where you are. It's procedure." Allie doesn't say anything, she just looks at Spencer with a scared look on her face.
After some silence Spencer says, "are you hungry or thirsty? Can I get you anything?" Allie says, "no I think I'm ok right now." Spencer starts to walk away, and Allie says, "do you have any movies we could watch? It'd really help get my mind off things for a little while. I mean I understand if you have to go back to work...." Spencer replies, "I got tons of movies we could watch, and right now, my job is to keep you safe." It's about 7pm, They sit down on the bed together and watch a movie (because the tv is in the bedroom). When the movie is over Spencer looks over at Allie and he sees she has fallen asleep. He gets up and grabs a blanket and puts the blanket on top of her. He walks out of the room and closes the door quietly. He puts some sheets and a pillow on the couch and he goes to sleep.
Around 5am he hers something drop. He grabs his gun and runs towards the bedroom he opens the door and he sees Allie on the floor crying. Spencer puts his gun away and kneels next to her. He says, "what happened?" Allie looks at Spencer and says, "I have to tell you something, I haven't been telling you the whole story. I haven't told you the previous stuff that has happened to me and my friends." Spencer looks at Allie like he's not surprised. Allie notices the look and says, "why don't you look more shocked?" Spencer replies, "well I kind of overheard you and Peter talking about 'other people' and 'other things'. Things that have happened to you way before this event...." Allie says, "yeah that's true. Why didn't you ask me about it yesterday?" Spencer says, "I wanted you to bring it up first. And if you didn't me and my team would've brought it up....Allie that information can be very important for this case." Allie responds, "I know, but every time I think or talk about what happened it feels like I re-live it....the problem is, I can't ever forget what happened, and it feels like I'm living with that torture everyday." Spencer looks at Allie with a sympathetic look. He puts his hand on her shoulder, she looks at him and he says, "you'll get through this. I just need to try and remember everything that has happened. Any detail could help us find all the people that have done horrible things to you and your friends." Allie says, "ok, but can you promise me something.?" Spencer nods his head. Allie continues, "promise me that you won't let them hurt us again." Spencer says, "I promise."

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