Chapter 10

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Peter continues with story in more detail.
He says, "eventually about four days later we find out where Joey was taken. So me, Allie, and RJ went to go save him. But it wasn't as easy as it sounds. These guys had an underground working area where they had a lot of computers and torture devices, and also where they kept their captives. There were rooms that were specific for torturing people, and then there were jail cells which is where they would keep the people until they brought them into the torture rooms. We snuck in and then we split up in order to look for Joey and Andy. And he was nowhere to be found but Allie found Joey. The hard part was getting us all out in one piece. As we were sneaking out of the room that Allie found Joey in, one of the head guys workers saw us and he pressed a panic button. This panic button set off an alarm and all of these men came running at us with weapons. Eventually we were able to fight them off but it wasn't easy. We escaped with many bruises cuts and injuries. As we were walking in the woods back home Joey asked, "where is my son? Why is my son not here?" Allie replied, "he wasn't there Joey, I'm sorry." Joey yells, "THEN WHERE THE HECK IS HE?? WHER IS MY SON??" Then I said, "Joey don't worry we will find Andy, but right now we need to get you to a hospital. What did they do to you in there?" Joey said, "I don't need to go to hospital, I just need to find my son, and I don't really feel like talking about what happened in there. All I'll say is it wasn't fun it was one of the most horrible experiences of my life."
We finally get back to Joey's house, and then we ask Joey and Kate to tell us exactly what they remember from the car crash a couple days before.
Joey says, "we pulled up in the car to the grocery store. As we were walking in to meet you guys, this car came out of nowhere. At first we moved away real quickly and it just missed us, after it missed us he turned around quickly and started to chase us. I picked up Andy and me and Kate started running away from it. Eventually it sped up so fast that it hit us really hard. All I can remember thinking the whole time is that I wanted to protect my family. As I was lying on the floor bleeding with many cuts, bruises and injuries that I'd rather not explain, I was screaming at my loudest for help, at least I thought it was, but no one could hear me. I vaguely remember a man in a black hoodie standing over us, and I think I remember him saying something like, "i'll come back for you later." I think he was holding Andy, but I can't remember too much more than that. The next thing I remember is seeing you guys running toward us to help us." Peter says, "so what do you remember about when they kidnap you from the hospital?" Joey says, "not much. I think they took me when I was still sleeping and recovering, because the next thing I remember is waking up in the jail cell and being so scared and confused. All I wanted to do was be reunited with my family, I wanted to know that they were safe. So I yelled and I screamed for help, but no one responded again. Then I remember this man coming into the jail cell and he smacked me over the head with a baseball bat. Next thing I remember I'm in this room with a man.....I don't wanna talk about what he did.....I won't.....I'm tried, I'm going to bed." Allie says as Joey begins to walk away, "Joey, we will find these guys, and we will find Andy." Joey turns around and says, "I'm just worried they will do the same thing to him as they did to me.....what bothers me is I can't do ANYTHING about it." Joey goes upstairs.
Spencer is silent. Peter looks at him and says, "what?" Spencer says, "what happened to Joey?" Peter says, "we still don't know, he won't tell us."

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