"Oh trust me, me and Dark are jumping for joy." I say, "I would be too."

Xavier? Do you think the cliff where you proposed to me would be a good spot for our wedding? I link to him. Sounds good, I love that spot, it will be perfect.


"He agrees, so that spot it is." I say and she nods, "lets go check it out then." She says and I nod before grabbing her hand and exiting my room.


"Wow, this spot really is beautiful, I can understand why you'd pick here," she says, "it seven more beautiful at night," I say, "bye the way, is it happening tonight?" She questions and I nod, "a little before nightfall.. so in about seven hours."

"Should we go ahead and figure out how to do your makeup?" "Maybe, do you think we should get chairs?" I ask and she looks at me for a second before practically doing a squat before shaking her head, "no, you can't see the view," I nod. "Well that makes it easier, so, Xavier is getting his parents, I'm getting mine and your mate, you can get your mom and dad and your sister." She nods.


After about four hours of just hanging around the pack house Taylor insists on getting ready. "So, I know you want little makeup, and I assume given your extremely long hair you want a braid?" "Mhm." "Okay, so thats about it, shower, now," I laugh before nodding and walking to the bathroom, once I get in I sigh as the warm water soothes my mussels.

"Okay, hair first," she says as I step out wrapped in a towel, "do I bother getting dressed?" I question and she looks at the clock, "two hours left, near half an hour to dry your hair completely, and hour to do makeup and the braid, leave half an hour, I don't guess so, now, let me do my magic!" I laugh and walk back into the bathroom with her behind me. I am so excited, but also nervous, this is happening so fast! I can't belive I am marrying the love of my life! But I am also nervous because of the rogues, what if something happens to Xavier? Or Taylor or her sister or my parents or anyone, I won't be able to handle if someone dies because of me. "Hey, stop thinking bad thoughts, I can tell you are, he loves you and you love him, I know you're nervous about the rogues but if they stick to their word, we have till Saturday, now, I am done so its on to makeup!" Taylor says and I smile, "Thanks."


"Awww, you look gorgeous darling!" My mother says as she looks at me, I am wearing a traditional white gown with a lace back and hardly any train, the sleeves go down to my elbow and there is lace on the front where my collarbone is, it poofs out slightly as it reaches my hips, all in all, I love it, oh, and if you're wondering where I got it, it was Xavier's mother's wedding dress and I am honored that she let me wear it, even though she hasn't met me yet.

"How much longer?" I question as I met with the sleeve of the dress. "About ten minutes, "has everyone been notified?" "Everyone that should have been," Taylor says and I nod. I'm so nervous, Tay. I link to her and she nods. Like, what if his parents don't like me? I mean, I used to be an Omega! Oh my gosh, I didn't even think about that! What if they don't want their son marrying an Omega!

Eclipse! You are the heir to the throne! AKA you are practically Luna queen! My eyes widen. What if they think I am stuck up, or don't want their son marrying someone so high in the ranks!

"ECLIPSE!" She shouts and my mother looks at her with wide eyes. "They are going to love you! You are an amazing person and Luna and you will make an amazing wife! I look down as I blush, "now, I think its time that you marry Xavier." My eyes widen and I look at the clock, oh my gosh. "No cold feet now missy!" I nod and let them lead me away to get married.


Deep breaths, deeeep breaths. I can hear them, their hearts beating and their breaths, its really nerve-racking you know, then of course, I can hear a heart pounding quicker than the rest, his scent is invading my senses and is relaxing and putting me on edge, Xavier picked Cage to be his best man, I, of course, picked Taylor to be my best woman, she is wearing a light grey dress and she looks gorgeous. "Its time Eclipse." She says and I nod, there is no music but this is the perfect wedding, we might not have the whole pack but we have our closest friends and family, Diana is the flower girl and Susan (Taylor's little sister) is the one who will bring us the rings.

This is really happening, I step out of the woods and see the view, the sun is setting behind where we will stand and its beautiful, my eyes skim over the people and I see my mom crying slightly along with a woman I have never seen, that must be Xavier's mom, my eyes then land on Xavier, he is wearing a tux and looks quite handsome, his eyes are on me and mine are on him, I think I see a tear escape his eyes and I know a few have escaped mine.

I walk up to him and turn to look at him as Taylor stands behind me. 'I love you' I mouth to him and he smiles 'I love you more then you could ever know' he mouths back, I smile before the priest of the pack starts to speak.

"We are gathered here today for the marriage of Xavier Woods and Eclipse Night, I do belive they have prepared some words, Xavier." The priest says and Xavier speaks. "Eclipse, you are the best thing that has happened to me since life, through thick and thin you have stayed with me, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow and always, if you're sick I will hold your hair back," a few laughs go through the crowd, "if you're sad I will be your shoulder to cry on, to deaths do its part." He says and a tear escapes my eye. "Eclipse." The priest says.

"Xavier Woods, you are my life, you saved me when I trespassed onto your land and you loved me and cared for me and made me who I am today, if it wasn't for you there is no telling where I would be at this moment, and I am so grateful that I am spending this time marrying you. I will love you always Xavier, till death do its part." I say and the priest speaks again.

"I know pronounce you husband, and wife, you may kiss your bride." I have been waiting forever to do this. I voice that I notice as Xavier's says in my head and I smile as we lean in, our lips meet and its like fireworks going off, I smile as we pull apart and cheers fill the air, all of a sudden, a howl fills the air and everyone stops, the single howl is met by another, and another, and another until hundreds of howls fill the air, all saying one thing.




*In innocent voice* hiii


You hate me, don't you?

ONE MORE CHAPPY LEFT!!! Ekkk! then on to the sequel!

Imma go now before yall kill me! Byeee my Fabulous Potato Turtles!

Word count!
2069! Woot Woot!

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