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I am looking at it from behind a cage,

A cage of anger, bitterness and rage.

It has no monetary value but it is priceless.

Right there, on the very top for al to see.

It symbolizes His love for me,

the terrible price He paid

So I could be free.

And yet, here I still am.

Unsure whether to accept or reject His offering.

Finally, I make the choice,

I reach out

and take the hand He is offering.

I choose to leave everything behind.

I am filled with joy.

I am filled with shame and pain,

as I stare at the cross,

that is on top of the church.

I remember.

I finally remember that he gave his life for me.

Yes, me!

That means I am important, 

and that He loved me enough

to send His son for me.

It also means Jesus Christ loved me enough

to die for me.

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