chapter 29

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Selena POV:

What has it been I don't know like 1 week but I feels like a year honestly I miss harry so much! Darcy still asks for harry she still can't speak but all she says is dada we of course talk we skype alot he says he misses me and Darcy but he's having fun with the fans and boys and 5sos I actually haven't heard about them maybe one direction is makeing them bigger I don't know... "dada"darcy said I looked at her and gave her a half smile "dada is at work angel "i said I feel bad because she loves her dad so much and he's not here I picked her up "wanna go out"I asked and she nodded "elly , dems wanna go to the park?"i yelled "sure babe"elly yelled back

We were already at the park me and Eleanor were talking "selena I'm telling you sign up for xfactor"Eleanor said "selena can't sing" a familur voice said what the fuck! I turned around and saw Lucas I stood up quickly "excuse me"I said "you heard me you can't sing"Lucas said "your stupid , selena can sing she's amazing"Eleanor said "sure she is really so where's your belly lost the baby?"lucas said I widen my eyes "mama"darcy said walking to me with demi in her hands I looked at darcy picked her up and looked at Lucas "she was born you jerk"I said and walked away with darcy in my hands

3 months later

I was skypeing with harry we were laughing "I can't believe that happened"I laughed "it hurt sel"harry said "i bet I mean its your man part"I giggled "shut up where's my princess"he asked "well sir she's here"I said pointing to me with a smile he chuckled " you are but I'm talking about my little princess"he said "oh well she coming"I said darcy came in I picked her up and she grew a smile on her face "dada"she said touching the screen "hey princess , your look so grown up I miss you"harry said she giggled "she starting to kinda look like ya"harry said towards me "really"I said excited he nodded

3 years later

It's been 3 years and harry is on tour with his bandmates ohh how I miss him darcy is 3 years old now! She looks Like harry so much! "mommy"darcy said running to me I smiled "hii angel"I said picking her up "what do you wanna do today"I asked "uh.. hide and seek"she said "hide and seek?"i asked and she nodded "okayy go hide...I'll count"I said she nodded I closed my eyes " 1....2....3....4....5.....6....7.....8.....9....10.....ready or not here I come"I yelled and went looking for her I looked under the bed , in her closet in the kitchen , living room.  Behind the sofa I was about to leave when I heard a giggle I smiled and looked at the tv I looked behind it and see darcy "find ya kiddo"I said she smiled and got out I showered her with kittens "kay selena let's go"Eleanor said oh yeah I'm living with her still demi is out on a show called xfactor and Danielle is dancing , and perrie is on tour with the guys "going where"I asked "come let's so oh...bring your song book and wear something nice"Eleanor said I looked at her confused "go mommy"darcy said pushing me I gave in and did

I went downstairs in a red beautiful dress with red heels and I curlyed my hair "so where we going"I asked el who was holding darcy while she was putting on her shoes "you'll see love"el said I rolled my eyes we were heading out when I see Lucas "you look hot"Lucas said I rolled my eyes and just ignored him I got into the car with darcy and el drove off

Durning the car ride it was silent "so...where we going tell me please"I said "okay fine but promise me you'll do it"el said I frowned my eyes but nodded after "fine promise"I said "you singing in xfactor"el said excited "whaat? No el I cant"I said "you can el your amazing okay"el said "el I think im going to puke"I said "oh shut up sel"Eleanor said

We finally got to the xfactor I got out and saw lots of people I can do this come on I mean im selena Gomez , I went to the desk and smiled "name"a lady said "selena Gomez"I said she smiled and gave me the tag "your next"the lady said I widen my eyes "thanks"el said pushing me

London's Winter RomanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora