chapter 12

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Harry POV:

I left selenas room with a big grin on my face she kissed me! She actually kissed me omg! I went downstairs I saw a man going up so I glared at him and he smiled at me so I smiled at him back and went downstairs "hey guys"I said to my band mates they smiled "why are you so smiley"Louis asked "selena..she kissed me"I said proud they all widen there eyes and grinned hugely "that's great mate"liam said "yeah..she's coming down and I'm taking her to Paris on a date"I said "paris"liam asked and I nodded "ah the city of love"zayn said I nodded "hey hazza why are you smiling"gemma asked "selena..she kissed me and agreed to go to Paris with me"i said "really that's great"gemma said "yeah were is she"demi asked "uh..she should be coming down"I said going upstairs but demi stopped me " I'll get her"demi said and I nodded

Demi POV:

I was on my way to selenas room I didn't know which room it was so I guessed I opened one door and noticed it wasnt her room its promblemy her parents room I closed it and opened the one next to it and it said in big and lights letter saying guest so guess its the guest room I closed it and opened the other door this must be selenas room I opened it "hey selena *closes door* I heard*turns around and I widen my eyes*"i said but stopped at what I saw

Selena POV:

I heard my door close I smiled and turned around once I saw who it was my glass fell the drink spilled on my carpet and the glass broke but I didn't care all I know was

That is not harry

What how? I gulped my day was just going great when he had to come he smirked at me I was terrified I didn't know what to do "wh-what are you doing here"I said nervous he smirked at me "s-stay away from me"I stuttered when he was coming closer "hello selena  haven't seen you in a while...why didn't you tell me you moved I missed you alot"he said smirking I just stood there he came closer and put his hands on my shoulder I flinched but didn't move why can't I move omg selena move move you idiot he started to lean in omg he's going to kiss me no! I only had one thing to do I kneed him in the balls and he fell I started to run to my door but he grabbed my hair I started to scream but he covered my mouth and he threw me across the room and landed bed I groan in pain and got up I crawled up side of the bed "please stop"i said "selena you kneed me and that you will pay"he said he grabbed my legs and pulled me down towards him and I screamed he came ontop of me and covered my mouth "shut up"he said angry about to hit me until " hey selena I heard"demi said but stopped and looked at what she just witnessed Mr. Logan intop of me covering my mouth while me shedding a tear "hey what the hell you think your doing"demi yelled but Mr.Logan left out the window from my balcony and jumped off demi ran  to my balcony but then came back I was in my bed scared promblemy for life demi came to me she looked at me filled with guilt if it wasn't for her to enter who knows what would of happened demi came to my bed and put her hands on my shoulder I flinched and she didn't touched me I hugged my self and cried "selena who was that"demi asked I didn't want to answer or talk about it "selena tell me please"demi said "i-I don't wa-want to t-talk about it"I cried "okay selena just tell me one thing was that  Lucas or logan"demi asked I didn't want to answer just by the mention of his name scares me "l-logan"I cried and hugged demi sobbing she hugged me back while I was crying leaving wet stain marks on her shirt we stayed like that for about 5 mins I broke the hug "im sorry I'm wetting your shirt"I said while sniffling she gave me a light smile "it okay I don't mind"demi said "i tell you later on okay..I just don't want to talk about it"I said " you want me to tell harry"she asked but I shook my head "harry can't find out noone can no one can find out demi please promise me"I said she nodded "i promise"she said I gave her a small smile I wipped the last remaining tears "let's go downstairs..."i said "harry is waiting"demi said wiggling her eyes I smiled he promblemy told them I looked back at my window and saw a figure it can't be him! I walked downstairs and everyone saw me come on selena put your fake smile on! I smiled and went to my friends I ran to them "guys I really need a group hug"I said I don't know why but I felt like.crying be brave selena! They smiled and nodded and hugged me

After the party harry kept asking me what's wrong he thinks something is wrong which it is I almost got whatever Logan was going to do to me and I swear I saw a figure and I can't leave it I always think about it everyone left so it was just me and the guys and girls with my parents "okay well you guys can stay here there's no way I'm letting selena friends sleep in a hotel so theres the guest room upstairs its big enough for all of you"mom said they nodded "its true guys"demi said they went upstairs demi saw me "are you going to be okay"demi asked "yeah"i said nodding she smiled and hugged me I saw harry and smiled and went to my room I opened the door and looked around wait I didn't leave my balcony open I closed the door and went to the guest room and knocked "COME IN LOVVEE"Louis yelled stupid kid I swear he's 9 I giggled and opened the door harry lift his head and looked at me I am so scared "uh..harry can we talk"I asked harry makes me feel safe he nodded and got off the bed fast "woah slow down buddy"Louis teased I giggled "shut up"harry said I pulled him out the door "uh..can you sleep with me"i asked he looked confused but noticed how frighten I am "is there something wrong selena"he asked "can you please"I asked ignoring his question he nodded "sure"he said he put his arms around my weist I flinched and yelped in pain my side hurts ever since of that fall on the bed I hurt my side on the bed metal thing he noticed and once we got to my room I hugged him entering it I looked around "want me to cheek under the bed"harry joked I'm not a kid! But.."could you please..."I asked what? Making sure you never know he laughed and looked under "oh no"harry said "what"i said eager "nothing love"he said I rolled my eyes you troll I looked at the balcony "can you cheek the balcony"I asked "he looked at me weird but nodded he went to the balcony and came back "everything clear"he said I smiled and sign in relief

Harry POV:

I find it cute how she's asking me to sleep with her I wrapped my arms around her weist she finiched I guess that's normal because that always happened but something caught me off guard she yelped in pain and bit her lip did she get hurt? once we entered the room she wrapped her arms around my weist and stomach scared why is she scared? What's going on? "want me to cheek under the bed"I joked I just wanna see her smile "could you please..."she asked what? That's so cute! "oh no"I  said "what"selena said eager "nothing love" I said she rolled her eyes and her eyes traveled to the balcony "can you cheek the balcony"she asked "I looked at her weird but nodded "everything clear"Isaid she smiled and sign in relief? What's going on I just shrugged it off and she layed on bed she patted the side next to her I smiled and sat next to her she faced the other side her back towards me I grabbed her stomach and pulled her close to me and she whimperd did I hurt her I got up "selena did I hurt you"I asked "no..its nothing"selena said not looking at me okay she's lieing "selena tell me what's going on"I asked "nothing can you just hold me"she asked usually I would love to but something is not right I.can tell but I nodded once I layed next to her she looked at me and pulled her by the weist and she yelped in pain I looked at her and got up "okay selena tell me now who hurt you"I asked she got up and looked at her fingers someone did hurt her "selena"I said "no one did I just fell off my bed of happiness since you asked me out and hurt my weist on the metal part of the bed"I said I was happy that she was happy because I asked her out but I also felt guilty because I caused it.."you hurt your self because of me"I asked and she nodded "its a good hurt though"she said she's lieing I can tell! But I didn't ask again because obviously she doesn't want to tell me I know someone hurt her and I will find out I'm going to ask demi tomorrow! I kissed her forhead and she cuddle next to me she hugged me so her head was on my chest I smiled and fell asleep


Hey guys so whatcha think? Do you like it? How was your thanks giving? Mine was awesome I ate a lot of food! Lol anyways hope you like the chapter I'm going to update everyday before school starts! Please please don't forget to vote? And comment? Bye beautifuls I love you!

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