chapter 8

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Harry POV:

It's been 1 week and I haven't broken up with Taylor yet we got in a fight a week ago because of the McDonald incident with selena Taylor just doesn't trust me! And I hate it and anyways speaking of selena me and her are becoming really close friends she still has that attitude with other people but around me and the boys my family and friends she acts himself I walked past her room and I heard her talking I didn't want to be an ease dropping so I walked off I went to the living room and 10 mins later I heard a scream I got up and went to selena because it was her girly scream I opened the door and I saw selena with her hands in her face she looked at me "what's wrong? something happened?"i asked worried and she laughed "i got a place"she said excitedly "your moving here!"i asked and she nodded I smiled "when are you moving"I asked "tomorrow! So goodbye being a maid I'm living with demi and Eleanor"she said " guys are like best friends now huh"I asked and she nodded "yeah thanks to you you introduced me to your friends..thank you"she said smiling "nothing that a hug can't fix"I said opening my arms she rolled her eyes and hugged me I just love hugging her! Ever since of the hug she's been hugging everyone! "so let's go out"I said "is harry styles asking me out on a date...what will his girlfriend think?"selena said "not a date selly..and I dont care what she thinks I wanna break up with her anyways"I said

Selena POV:

When he said that I smiled inside and I don't know why do I like him? Naw I can't! I.just nodded my head "and why haven't you"I asked with my eyesbrows up he chuckled I gasped "is harry styles ignoring her"I asked he laughed "noooo , of course not I just need to tell her when its the right time"he said "okaayy"I said "omg fine I'll tell her today"he said I laughed "want me to hold your hand when you do"I jokely asked his face lite up "surree"he said I suddenly blushed a deep red! And I laughed "oh my gaud! I need to make a fancy dinner for my goodbye is it alright if I invite my friends like demi elly pez danii"I asked he nodded I smiled and went downstair I grabbed the stuff I need "so what are you going to make?"harry asked "harry hush...I need this to be perfect"I said and used my hands to make him leave he groan but left I smiled and started taking out the meat I started cooking it I grabbed the large spaghetti and added water and cooked it once it finished I took it out and I took out the meat I added the spaghetti first then the meat on top then added the cheese and repeated the steps I'm making lasagna my moms famous lasagna once I finished I added it in the oven I went to the living room and watched tv until my phone ringed so I answered it

~Phone call~

"hello"I said "sweety its mom"mom said I rolled my eyes "i thought I made it clear I don't want to talk to you"I said "im your mother selena...I just wanna say you can come home now"mom said "nope I'm staying her I'm actually living here now I found a place"I said "really that's great"mom said I rolled my eyes "but you are going to come down and visit"mom said "nope like you said I need to change... I found some real friends and I don't care about my other friends"I said "okay selena I understand"mom said omg "mom I'm sorry..I'm trying to change you can come by any time you want but I have to go so bye"I said and hung up

~end of phone call~

I went back to the kitchen and took out the lasagna I added foil over it "ANNE I NEED TO GO PICK SOME STUFF I'LL BE RIGHT BACK"I yelled until she yelled back "OKAY SELENA"she yelled I grabbed my coat and left walking since I don't own a car

Harry POV:

"hey mom weres selena"I asked "someone likes her"mom said "mum seriously stop!"i said "alright baby boy...she went to buy some stuff"mum said "oh okay"I said and left my mom room "someone has a little crush"my annoying sister said "seriously gems if I haven't heard anything you like someone"I said " win but letting you know selena has a boyfriend"gemma said oh my gosh she's right she does and I forgot dammit I left the room and went to the boys room "hey mates"I said they all looked at me "hazza what's up"zayn said "bummed out"I said "why? Selena doesn't like you back"niall said I looked at him "wow everything about selena ey?"i said they smiled and nodded I rolled my eyes "okay yes I like her big time"I said "dump Taylor"liam said "i am tonight well she's coming over right now"I said "so are the girls"Louis said I nodded "well selena has a boyfriend"I said "oh right that jerk"Louis said "you know about her boyfriend"I asked and he nodded "uh..Lucas yeah that's his name"Louis said I just nodded "shea hates him and wants to leave him but he wont let her"Louis said "oh right yeah she told me that"I said

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