chapter 2

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Selena POV:

I woke up at 7 in the morning since I always wake up daym early I took a hot shower once I got out I put on a red crop shirt with white pants I curlyed my hair even more since my hair is naturally curly already I applied some make up dark eye shadow with black mascara I don't really like wearing that much make up but since I am popular and rich I wear some I added some blush to make my cheeks pink and rosey I added pink nailpolish I put on my high heels and walked to school since my mom took my car I swear she is trying to ruin my life... As I walked to school my friend Ashley stopped "hey bitch get in looks like someone needs a ride"Ashley said thank you I smiled and entered the car "thanks since the party my mom took my allowance and my car and she's thinking of a punishment"I said "bummer"Ashley said and I nodded "well let's go pick up Vanessa"Ashley said and I nodded Vanessa came in with a hot pink very short dress with red lipstick on and a black hat I smiled "you look hot"I said "thanks bitch you do to"vanessa said and I laughed once we got to school I was in the middle and my friends on the side everyone stared at me and out of nowhere my boyfriend Lucas came and kissed me and sticked his tongue into my mouth doesn't he have any respect I pushed him off me "ugh..don't you have any respect...don't just stick your tongue in my mouth"I spat and wipped my mouth he laughed "babe relax..great party but your parents had to ruin it"Lucas said I rolled my eyes and walked to class (lets skip the borning classes) once school finished I went home Lucas drived me we were in the parking lot I took off my seatbelt "well thanks for the ride bye"I said about to get off but he pulled me back in and pulled me to him and kissed me I pushed him off and slapped him "dammit Lucas fuck off..."i spat and left his car and he drove off really fast well he's mad once I opened my door I saw my mom and dad in the sofa "selena...come in"mandy said yup she's mad I sat down on the sofa and looked at them "well..."i said "selena stop with the attitude"Mandy said "oh right sorry mom...yes mother?"i said "selena we decided your punishment"my dad Ricardo said "yeah well what is it"I said "your going to London England"my mom said I widen my eyes and got up from the sofa "WHAATT!!!!"i yelled "your going to be a maid for a friend of mine"Mandy said "WHAAT!!!"i yelled "your leaving tomorrow"Mandy said "WHAATT!!!"i yelled"selena stop yelling maybe this well straighten you out"Mandy said ""WHAAT!!! IF YOU WANTED ME TO BE STRAIGHTEN OUT I WILL JUST DONT SEND ME TO ENGLAND TO A STRANGER I DON'T KNOW AND WORK FOR THEM! BETTER YET BE A MAID FOR THEM.. I DONT DO DISHES , CLEAN OR COOK OR DO LAUNDRY HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO LEARN"i yelled "selena she's my friend she will teach you"Mandy said "i don't know her"i spat "dammit selena just go and start packing you leave in the morning"Mandy said "UGH YOUR TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE....I'M GOING TO ACT THE DAYM SAME WHY ARE YOU RUINING ME"I yelled and ran to my room "UUUGGHHH"I yelled and slam the door shut I grabbed my luggage and added my clothes "well its promblemy hot there so sweats , shorts , tank tops , dresses , pants , shorts , shorts , shorts , pants , pants , shirts and hats and my make up kit my umbrella , my shoes , and my sweaters and my favourite overalls wait all my overalls"I said once I finished packing I took out my phone and texted Vanessa and Ashley

To: Vanessa and Ashley

Hey girls I moving to England tomorrow since of the party let's keep in touch still love you bye..

From: Vanessa

Oh okay babe take care bye ly2

From: ashley

Bye have fun I'll miss you ly2

For some reason I find it that these girls don't care whatever then I texted my boyfriend

To: baby<3

Hey boo I know your mad but I'm moving to England tomorrow sorry I'll miss you and I love you

From: lucas

Whatever bye I'll miss you to I guess bye and I love you don't forget your mine and noone can have you...

I rolled my eyes yeah my boyfriend acts like he doesn't care but I can't date anyone... Why would I we didn't break up and I'm not that type of person anyways well big day for me tomorrow if my mom thinks I will forgive her she's dead wrong I will NEVER I closed my eyes and went to bed!


Chapter 2 finished Yaay? Thanks for reading.. I know selena is acting like a bitch..but she won't for long please vote? And comment?

                    Bye beautifuls

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