-Chapter VI: The Angel Within-

Start from the beginning

"Wow, that was you tentative of getting me? I must say...", said Kieron loading the gun, "I am a bit...disappointed...by them, and by you!", said him turning his head over the head of the operation. The guy fired his gun and aimed to Kieron. Kieron ducked and he avoided the bullet.

"Wow, when I thought you couldn't be more stupid...", said Kieron, starting to laugh, "There you are! Now you are really going to regret! You know," said Kieron heading over him, swirling his lash on with his left hand horizontally and shooting one of the lights up from the ceiling, "I am not usually this type of guy...", said Kieron, ducking from another bullet shot from the last guy standing, and shooting another light bulb, "But I can be this way when guys like you want to destroy the balance of this world! And now...", said Kieron while he was very close to the guy and he shot one of two light bulbs left, "I'm gonna make you pay!", said Kieron, being so close to that guy that he could smell his awful breath, and after he moved away. Kieron left that guy under the last bulb in the shadow and that guy was ready to fire any direction. His heart was beating faster, stronger. His hands were sweating on the gun and the sweat was going down on his wrinkles of his big forehead. He was breathing faster and deeper, rotating around in the little piece of light he had left. He couldn't hear a thing, it was just the calm before the storm, and then, a lash of shadow was thrown to his right hand. The las folded around the wrist very tight and it was pulled, and his body along with it just a little. Another lash was thrown to his left hand, and tight up against his wrist and pulled up. He was immobilized under the last piece of light and out from the shadow came back Kieron.

"Well, well, well...", said Kieron looking in the ground and then going up with his eyes, "Are you still trying to shoot me? Or to steal all this innocent blood?"

"Once, I will get out of here, I will make you pay!" said the tight up guy.

"If you are gonna make it through though!" said Kieron going back a bit in the darkness.

"You are a monster!" shouted that guy, making Kieron turn back to him.

"Well...", said Kieron looking in the left side, down and then coming back with the look at him, "You've seen nothing yet!", said him, pointing the gun to the boss.

"Wait, no, don't do it! Wooo!" screamed the guy. Kieron showed an evil smirk and a little sigh, then, pulled the trigger. He pointed it to the last build, destroying it and leaving the room in complete darkness. The guy was screaming for help, and then he couldn't be heard anymore. An alarm started immediately after the guy had been put to sleep. Inside some doctors came in along with some police officers.

"Stop! Everybody put your hands up and don't move!" shouted a police officer. After, all the nurses, doctors and officers were in deep shock. All of the bodies were down on the ground, two of them were injured, having fry blood on their faces, clothes and on the ground, but there was not enough to cause a hemorrhage, and the big guy was deeply fainted, with the box with the donated blood on top of him. One of the officers went slowly closer to the box, and with a lot of caution, he took a message from the top. On the piece of paper was written:" Take care of these guys and guard the donated blood, it need to be delivered to the ones in need. Signed, Black." The officers read it, and they were looking around the room. They couldn't see a thing, just the fainted bodies, starting to move. The fallen boss started to move his head, and to touch it from his back, feeling like he had just got a reboot.

"What have happened here?" said him, barely opening his eyes, looking like he had just come back from the dead. When he opened them up, and rose his head a little bit, he saw a gun pointed to his head.

"Hey man, did you sleep well?", said one officer, slowly turning his gun to a side, "If not, you are going to sleep a long time in prison! Let's get these guys out of here, shall we? And get a bag of blood with us, try a 0(I) positive, I think those two guys might need it!".

Broken Wings -Volume One: You Can't Escape The Destiny- ((EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now