-Chapter V: Crashing Waves-

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Have you ever wondered how would be like to be the rocks on the beach? You could stay there, watch every day the colorful dawn and twilight every day as the Sun comes and goes. The beautiful waves of the ocean coming and crushing, and the droplets of the water coming onto your face, cooling you off in a hot day. But, as the world, the sea isn't always quiet. The strong wind, the storm, the lightnings, the killer waves...come, and they always will. The waves of the storm, the stormy waters, have always a big force, and they try to move you away from them, to go over you, to do everything just to come and destroy a shore, and everything that is on it, and the only thing that stays between them and the mass destruction of everything you love and try to protect is just you, and you don't have to move at all, because if you do, everything will be erased. You don't have to give up, you don't have give in, because if you resist a wave, there will be more to come, and you have to stand tall. Would you be that rock? Think about it!

The poor Kieron was heartbroken, his love lied to him, he killed someone and now he is cursed for life to be a dark angel. He hadn't been speaking for weeks with anyone, just him and his depression. His depression was digging deeper into his soul, like an excavator looking to get all that is good underground and take it away. In the Night of the transformation, alone, on that skyscraper, he took a piece of the darkness around him and formed himself a knife. The sadness was whispering and whispering and whispering..."DO IT!". He almost did it, but right on the edge, he knew that if he had done that, he would have deserved his place between the dark angels.

He went always down to take the breakfast, he was barely speaking to his dad, took his meal and then ran away before his friends arrived to go together to school. He always decided to get to school through the Angels' dimension, so no one will speak to him. He was always first in class, right when the teacher was ready to start the class. He didn't make a single noise in any class for weeks, he was sitting there like a voice recorder, the information was captured, processed and could be reproduced, but not any other word of the ones recorded. After every class he got out the first after the teacher and ran on the hallways so no one would speak to him. The girls one day tried to get him, but they couldn't, they followed him and then he entered inside of an empty classroom. The girls tried to enter too, but he had disappeared before them. The Girls couldn't see him, but he could from the other dimension.

"Where could be Kieron right now?" said Claire very worried for her friend.

"I don't know, he has just disappeared...it's very strange..." said Amanda, really scared by how Kieron vanished in thin air.

"I am really worried for him, we haven't spoken with hims since that night at the club. Why is he hiding away from us, we were always here for him..." said Roxy, looking like she was staring right at Kieron, like she could see through him, "always!". Kieron's necklace started glowing when she was looking right at him.

"I think we need to go or we will be late to the next course..." said Claire.

"Yeah, we lost him another time... let's go..." said Mary very disappointed because she couldn't speak to Kieron.

They got out of the class, and right behind them was Roxy, looking very disappointed dat him, and then she closed the door. Kieron got down on his knees and started crying, he didn't know how to tell them. He was scared they would think he was a freak, a monster, especially when he got dark wings. Even if he had wanted to tell him, he wouldn't have done that, he was so too sad to tell anyone. Everyday after school, he would fly to the beach at the end of the day to see the sunset. He liked the colors, the smell, the water at his feet. He was always in our dimension, because he wanted to hide his wings from anyone to see.At that moment he felt like the Sun is the only thing that would be there for him, because no matter what, it would be always there the next day. He thought his life was over, he had never wanted to do bad things or make other do bad things. Every time he looked into a mirror he saw a dark himself, and his dark wings will always remember what he did in that night. It passed two months until one day, when somethings was going to change. He woke up in that day, he barely could stand up due to his long days of crying and being alone, it was something usual for him lately. The sadness was sitting next to him, and in those moments, it was the only one who there for him, and it was understanding him. He went downstairs, ready to grab his breakfast.

Broken Wings -Volume One: You Can't Escape The Destiny- ((EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now