Chapter 47: Day Of Baptism...

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~~~Next Morning~~~

Jacob's POV

 The next morning he was woken up by Alice. She was standing at the door and screaming his name.

J: I'm up, okay.

A: It's your son's baptism, you better be.

J: Okay, okay. I'm coming. Give me a few minutes to wake up properly.

A: Jacob, I swear if I have to come into this room again to wake you up it won't be gentle.

J: Yes. I'll be down in a minute.

A: Okay.

J: Sheesh. (He says as Alice leaves the room. Jacob lies back down on his pillow but jumps up immediately, afraid of what Alice might come do to him)

He goes to the bathroom brushes his teeth, takes a quick shower and goes back to his and Edward's bedroom to go wear his slacks.

After that he starts walking towards the stairs where he meets up with Seth.

J: Morning buddy.

Se: Morning. (He groans)

J: Just woke up huh?

Se: Alice came screaming in Paul's room.

J: She also did the same to me just now. So where's Paul?

Se: Still asleep.

J: Really, he's always up early.

Se: We sorta had a late night with Anthony last night.

J: Sorry, we didn't know it was that late when we realized the time we came home immediately but you guys were already asleep so we just left you.

Se: Jake, it's fine. You know none of us would have a problem with babysitting Anthony plus you and Edward needed the time.

J: Thanks, I'm really glad it was you who imprinted on him and not some low life somewhere.

Se: Haha. Thanks Jake.

J: Now, do you want to help me wake Paul up?

Se: Sure, what should we do?

J: Let's go jump on his bed.

Se: Okay.

With that they walked to Paul's room and saw him lying deep under his blankets.

J: 1, 2, 3. (He said and then they both jumped onto Paul's bed)


J: Wake up, deary! (He shouted as Paul groaned and put his head under his pillow. Seth pulled his pillow off and they started messing with his hair.

Se: Get up, Paul.

P: I'm up. Just leave me alone now!

J: Not until you sit up, brother!

P: I can't sit up with you two idiots sitting on me, can I!?

J: I actually feel offended, don't you Seth?

Se: Yes, yes I do. (He said and then he and Jacob started bouncing on Paul's bed)

P: Okay, okay. Sorry. Now can you please get off of me?

J: That we can do.

P: Thank you. (He said through clenched teeth)

Se: Be nice or we'll go call Alice.

J: Yeah, you don't want that.

P: Whatever. (He grumbled as he got out of bed)

J: Okay, I'll see you downstairs.

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