Chapter 35: What's In A Name?????

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J: Okay, so I was thinking that we use something... (He cut himself off)

E: Something what?

J: It's okay, you won't like it.

E: How will I not like it if you don't tell me?

J: Uhm. It's just that my father and I both have the same middle name. It's a tradition that my great great grandfather started and I just always thought that I'd continue with it.

E: Jake... (He was cut off)

J: It would be a way to honour him for all that he has done. It's okay we don't have to do it.

E: Breathe, now let me talk. We have a son, why can't he use your family name?

J: I thought... maybe you wouldn't want it.

E: Jacob, it's a wonderful name and it would be an honour if our son had it. Hopefully he'll live up to it one day.

J: Yes hopefully, so you're okay with it?

E: Yes.

J: Thank you.

E: Anytime. (He said kissing Jacob) So what about a first name?

J: Well I was thinking about using your name?

E: Edward Jr? (He asked clearly amused)

J: No, Anthony. I did some research and Rosalie told me.

E:  Research?

J: Yes, I went downstairs to the kitchen with my bulging belly and asked Esme' and Rosalie.

E: That's a lot of research, didn't you get tired?

J: I did so Esme' and Rosalie made me food for me but only because  I was pregnant of course.

E: Of course. (He joked)

J: Hey it's true.

E: Yeah, I'm sure of that.

J: You are a mean Husband.

E: Nope. I'm a loving Husband.

J: Dream on.

E: My life is but a dream, Jake.

J: I married a freak.

E: You married a vampire.

J: I still can't believe I did that.

Edward just nuzzled his nose against Jacob's, their foreheads pressed together.

A: Cute.

Jacob just blushed.

A: We have a surprise for you.

J: What?

Se: A sweet little baby.

J: (Gasp) Bring him here. (He smiled)

E: I'll get up.

J: No stay.

E: Okay.

Se: Here he is.

J: Thank you.

S: He's beautiful.

J: Thank you.

B: So have you guys thought of a name yet?

Em: Because we can't continue calling him Baby Jake.


C: It's true.

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