Chapter 12: Is It True Love?????

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Edward's POV

Jacob wasn't reacting to the medication as fast as Carlisle had hoped but it's slowly starting to work. He thinks that because of the pregnancy his metabolism has been lowered and that's why the medication is working. His fever broke last night but he is still in a lot of pain.

S: Is there anything we can do?

E: I need you to find out anything about the wedding, what we have to do, what makes it so special that it can break the curse.

S: Okay please call us if anything changes.

E: Okay and Sam.

S: Yes.

E: Thank you.


E: I don't want to feed right now!

R: It's not for you it's for Jake and since you don't want anyone else in that room you have to give it to him.

E: OF COURSE!!! This could work. Why can't I remember any of the important things?

R: That's why you have perfect sisters like me.

E: You're full of yourself but thank you for this.


E: Why don't we try this he hasn't had any for the last couple of days.

B: What's that?

C: It's the blood.

B: Oh yes. We could try it.

C: Jacob I need you to drink this it might help for the pain.

J: ...

E: Please Jake, our baby's hungry and it needs your help.

Jacob takes a sip from the blood and closes he's eyes and lays he's head down on the bed.

E: I think it's working.

Just as he said that Jacob's face turned an awry shade of green and he started puking and spitting out the blood he just drank.

E: Or maybe not.

B: Son!

C: It seems like he's body or the baby is rejecting the blood.

B: But why he's been drinking that gunk for the last four months and... (He was cut off)

E: Carlisle look the baby's heart monitor. There's nothing. There's no heartbeat.

J: What's that sound? My baby, save my baby, don't make me lose my baby please.

C: Edward, Jacob you both need to calm down. The baby's heartbeat has been doing that since yesterday.

E: Yesterday! And you didn't think that it was important to tell either one of us!

C: Edward, Billy and I thought that since you don't have a heartbeat that that is the reason it is doing that.

J: So my baby's trying to decide whether it's a human or a vampire?

B: Yes we think so.

J: (Faint smile) Even though I'm lying here in pain I'm happy for my little baby.

E: If it continues hurting you than I might just remove it myself.

J: I will kill you if you try.

E: Then you'll die too because you can't live without me.

J: Stay outta my head.

E: Stop thinking about me then.

B: (Laughing) I think we should give you a minute, Carlisle?

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