Chapter 45: Family Bonding()()()()()

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Edward and Jacob had already packed the clothes and extra things that they were going to donate to the children's home that morning before they had left for the Reservation.


J: Okay I packed his milk, two bottles and his blood. I can't even believe I just said that. I also brought an extra set of clothes and diapers and wipes.

E: Seems like you have everything under order.

J: Well my dad told me what exactly I needed.

E: Billy is a true asset.

J: And you're only realising that now?

E: I've always known besides you wouldn't be this perfect if he wasn't in your life.

J: Yeah, I know that.

E: But you will always be my special Husband no matter what or who happens.

J: I feel so flattered. So where to are we going first?

E: At first I wanted us to go to the children's home and then go around town with Anthony but now I actually thought about first going to the toy store to buy a few more toys.

J: Honey, Anthony doesn't need more toys.

E: No not for him. I know we already have toys for the children's home but I wanted us to buy a few more for the children.

J: You have a good heart and that's one of the reasons why I fell in love with you.

E: But yours is bigger and that's why I fell in love with you.

J: It's bigger and it still beats.

E: I was waiting for you to make a dig at my species.

J: I still love you so it's no big deal and regarding the toy store, since I know that there's no way I can talk you out of it, I don't really mind. After all it is your money. Now keep your eyes on the road we have a baby on board. (He said looking to the backseat where Anthony was strapped into his baby seat.

E: We're here. (He announces as he stops the car in front of the toy store)

J: Okay. We can leave his bag in here can't we?

E: Yes we can and if he needs anything then I'll come get it myself.

J: Okay.

E: Can I hold him?

J: Sure. (Jacob said smiling)

After Edward takes Anthony out of his car seat and is holding him in his arms Jacobs locks the car making sure to take both his and Edward phones in case anyone needed to reach them.

The couple walk into the store and go to the trolley bay.

E: Do you mind taking Anthony while I push the trolley?

J: No not at all, give him here.

E: Thanks. (He said giving Anthony to Jacob and taking the trolley)

They walk in to the first isle of the store where all the stuffed animals are kept.

E: What will you take?

J: Are you implying that I think like a child?

E: No it's just my taste as you always seem to remind me isn't up to date with this century.

J: Me and my big mouth. We'll search together and take whatever we like, those kids will be happy with whatever we give them.

E: My Husband really is smart. Who would've guessed? (He said kissing Jacob on the kiss)

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