Chapter 42: Nights and Talks...

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After that Edward and Jacob were lying on their bed with Anthony in between them.

E: We have the perfect family.

J: And we have the perfect support system. I don't think we'd be able to get through half of the things we have if they weren't there for us.

E: Yeah. I feel like we should get them something.

J: We could go to Forks after we have the meeting with the Elders.

E: You, Anthony and I?

J: Yes, just the three of us.

E: Okay.

Just then Billy and Esme' arrived.

J: Let's go see grandma and grandpa, okay?

They took Anthony and went downstairs.

J: Look there they are. (He said pointing to Billy and Esme' who were in the kitchen) He put Anthony down and he started crawling towards them.)

Es: Hello, big boy. We missed you today. (She smiled and kissed him and then she gave him to Billy)

B: How was your day huh? Did you enjoy your time alone with your fathers today? (He asked but Anthony just wanted to sit on his grandfather)

Es: Jacob, I'm making tea for Billy, would you like some?

J: Yes please.

B: So what did you guys do today?

E: We had dinner after everyone left then we gave Anthony a bath and now we were just lying in our room.

Es: Sounds like a pretty eventful night.

J: That's what our lives have turned into. Eating dinner and staying at home with our child.

B: That's what ever parent needs to sacrifice when they have children.

J: Yeah, I figured that a while ago.


Es: Here you go. (She said handing Billy and Jacob each their tea)

B: Thank you Esme'.

J: Thank you.

E: Jacob and I were considering going out to Forks tomorrow after the meeting and taking Anthony with us.

B: He's your son. You do deserve to have some time alone with him.

J: Thank you dad.

B: I didn't do anything.

J: No thank you for being here for me, for us through everything I really appreciate it, you too Esme'. I don't think we could have gone through everything without everyone's support.

Es: That's what families there for, son.

B: Yes and as parents if we can't help our children what are we supposed to do huh?

E: But we would still like to say thank you.

B: Then it is our pleasure. This young man looks like he's on the brink of sleep maybe you should take him to bed.

E: Jake, will you?

J: Sure, I think I could do with some sleep right about now. (He said putting his empty cup on the table and going over to Billy hugging him and then taking Anthony. He went to give Edward a kiss on his cheek before hugging Esme' and going back upstairs)


Es: Did you want to talk to us about something?

E: Yes. Jake and I were talking and Anthony is growing up faster than usual and he has all those clothes that he doesn't wear anymore and we were thinking that we could take the things that he doesn't use anymore and take them to one of the children's homes in Forks.

Jakeward: Jacob and Edward- The Chosen OneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu