Chapter 25: Lets Play Baby

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*** Day 2 ***

The eyes of all the vampires were blood red. The last time they had fed was a month ago.

Em: Carlisle, we need to feed.

Es: Yes I agree.

C: We can't leave right now.

Es: We haven't fed for a month now and I don't know how long I can still hold it up.

A: Carlisle, look at Jasper and Emmett. Their eyes are blood red.

C: Okay but then we need to leave now so that we can return tomorrow morning.

R: But what about Baby Jake?

Es: The others can take care of them.

R: But what if they can't, what if they hurt him?

P: You know your trust in us really stinks. (He said as he, Quill, Jared and Embry walked into the living room)

R: That's not all that stinks. (She snarled)

P: You can say anything that you want but that won't change the fact that we're wolves and wolves put their family above everything else. That baby is our nephew so... (He was cut off)

R: He's not your blood nephew. (She said rudely)

P: And you're married to your brother now shut up.

R: Carlisle!?

C: You walked right into that one, Rose! (He said with a chuckle in his voice)

R: You should keep that mutt away from Baby Jake, Sam.

S: Believe it or not but Paul is very good with babies.

P: Yes, Rosalie I am.

C: I think it's time that we leave. (He said in between laughs)

Es: I want to go say bye to Edward.

C: Try convincing him to come with us he hasn't fed longer than us.

Es: I'll try but I don't think he'll budge.

R: Alice and I will come with you.

A: Yes we are.

***Knock Knock***

The girls came in knowing Edward wouldn't mind, they actually only knocked on the door as a common courtesy.

E: If you're here to convince me to go with you then you have just wasted your time because I am not going to go with you.

Es: Edward honey, you need it...

E: Yes I know I need it to live but does it look like I want to live huh?

A: Edward, you have a baby who needs you to take care of him, to love him. Edward that baby needs you to be its father.

E: Keep that "baby" away from me!! And GET OUT!!!! All of you!

Es: ...

R: You should get off your high horse and take responsibility of the child you made!!! (She growled finally reaching her breaking point)

Edward turned around, eyes pitch black with anger.

E: You have NO IDEA what I'm going through so I suggest that you shut your mouth!!!

Es: Edward, watch your mouth. (She reprimanded him)

C: Rosalie, I think we should go and let Edward calm down.

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