Chapter 3

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“I brought McDonald's to help cure your hangover” Elena says handing me a sausage biscuit and orange juice. Moaning, I take the food and OJ muttering “You are a godsend. Though it is completely your fault for the way I am feeling” I remark remembering how we got back to the apartment only to go back out and had shot after shot at our local bar. “Hey now, we had to celebrate our meeting with Zayn. I guarantee that he will remember us if he sees us again making us one step closer to your Batman” Elena quickly whips back as she walks out of the room. I smile and sniff myself. Ugh I reek of booze and ciggsrate as I bite into the biscuit, quickly finishing it before heading to the shower.

Drying my hair, I glance at my phone seeing a text message from Luke. I bite my lip as I debate reading it or not. Luke always had this uncanny ability of making me feel wonderful and worthless all at the same time and yet I always caved. I opened the text message and rolled my eyes at the text. “Damn my self esteem” I say softly reading it. 

"hey big girl, hope you had fun last night dancing around younger and prettier girls but I really missed you. Could not stop thinking about your smile. Let's hang tonight? “

I hear my door open as Rachel enters the room not hungover as she was the responsible friend in this trio. “Here thought you could do with these” as she hands me two advils and a cup of tea with lemon and honey. “Lena you are perfect” as I take the pills and sip on my tea. Rachel sits on my unmade bed and watches me for a few minutes as I surf the web. “Did you have fun?” She asks. I turn to face her as I shut the laptop. Her green eyes searching my face as I look back her with a smile. “I really did! I’m sure Elena told you all about it.” I say laughing and Rachel rolls her eyes, responding “That and with all her tweets. Felt like I was there!” We both laugh as I stand and sit next to her on the bed. Picking at my nails as I do.  I coutinue on “ It was just crazy. We had great seats thanks to you and I. Iiii.  Don't. “ I stutter before gather my thoughts and roll my eyes I blurt out what I really wanted to say. “I suppose I was just hoping he's spot me from stage and be like ‘Olivia my oldest friend where have you been?’ But sadly that didn’t happen”  I say with a dramatic voice. “But , Rach, he was amazing. He owned that fucking stage. It was crazy to see parts of him that clearly haven't changed but, was also exciting to see the small changes. You know growing up. He's not the 16-year old boy I once knew.” I pause thinking back to the very first time I had met him.


It was the second week of school and we were being assigned local families to be our family while we were boarding. I bit my lip nervously. I hated standing up in front of a crowds. I still couldn’t believe I was a freshman and in a boarding school in England.Why did I think this was a good idea? I didn’t think my dad would actually let me go here. Yet here I was, I guess he was sick of looking at me.  I tug at my uniform and look into the crowd, seeing hundreds of eyes staring back. One by one famalies were being called and I waited. Sucking on my lower lip, I finally heard my name “Olivia James, you are with the Payne family”, the Dean annoucned as a family stood and a woman walked towards me. I remember Mrs. Payne. She had a huge smile on her face as she pulled me into a big hug. “I am so honored to have you be part if our tribe” she told me laughing and her hug instantly made me feel safe. She took my hand leading me to her family introducing me, “…and this is Liam. He's a year younger than you I think but, I'm sure you will get along fine.” I looked across at this kid with a birthmark on his neck and sweet smile as he took a step towards me. It was in that instant I knew Liam and I were meant to be friends as he walked towards me tripping over something and he pulled me down with him. I remember the pain in my knee as it made contact with the floor but I looked up and saw his puppy brown eyes wide with horror and I just laughed and after a minute he laughed with me.

Current Time

I let out a laugh at the memory rubbing my knee without realizing. Rachel laughed knowing the story and guessing what I was thinking about. “Well Liv you never know what could happen. “ As she stands up from my bed, her toned yet curvy body still looking flawless in sweats and a baggy shirt. She walks towards the door before stopping and turning back around “You’re still coming with me this afternoon right” She asks. I sigh, forgetting that I had promised her I would go to her bosses house for a BBQ. “Are you sure you want to take me?” I ask silently begging her to say yes. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and watch Degrassi.” “Yes. Stop being redicukious! You know you are the life of the party when you want to be and not caught up being self conscious. We are going. Be ready at two.”  As she shuts the door behind her. Hard enough that the windows rattle. Rolling my eyes, I stand up and get my laptop, bringing it into bed with me. Logging  onto tumblr, I spend the next hour in a blackhole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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