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Riley POV
'Haha Farkle, stop,' I say laughing really loud

'What's so funny?' Maya asks

'Oh nothing,' I reply and take a sip out of my lemonade

'Ok,' she says back doing the same

Maya POV
'Hey huckleberry, could you pass the ketchup please?' I ask kindly

'Still going on with the nicknames?' Farkle says laughing

'Yep,' I say

'Here you go short-stack,' Lucas says and passes me the sauce I asked for

Farkle POV
Riley looks stunning today, I mean she always does but, she really excelled today

Lucas and maya ordered food before Riley and I, so they got theirs a little earlier than ours

Soon enough though, our food arrived

It was delicious,

The next chapter will be walking home from the date lol

Girl meets messaging (group chats) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora