Chapter 6: The Exhibition Match Begins! The Orphan vs. The Manipulator

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Naiyo and Highpoint Academy's Buddyfight team was on a bus to Eastwood Academy, a Buddyfight Association school, for an exhibition match. A week has passed since they started their training for the Rinehart Cup. During the week, they gained a new member, Hope (she managed to beat Leon). While everyone else was going through their deck, prepping for the fights, Naiyo was meditating. Charles was observing his group from the mirror. "I wondering what's in store for today." When they arrived at the school, they were in awe. The school looked more like a training facility than your average school. "Wow, just wow..." The words barely escaped Naiyo's mouth. Charles chuckled a bit. "While you guys take a small tour, I'm going to let the instructor know we're." "Yes sir." They said.

They was enjoying the tour of the school, from admiring the different facilities to watching some people fighting. Hope was lingering behind due to her newfound passion. Since her attention was elsewhere, she bumped into somebody. "Hey, watch where you're going." She flinched. "Sorry..." It was a young boy with long, two-toned hair of black and white that is tied up into a Japanese-style top knot on the back of his head, with the black portion overlaying the left side of his head, leaving the white portion concentrated on the right, with the top knot being entirely black. He has auburn eyes, and wears a white ninja styled shirt with black accents and trimmings, black pants, black wristbands and brown boots. He took a closer look and suddenly his expression changed. "You must be one of our opponents. Hope was it?" She was still slightly intimated. "Y-yes..." He smirked. "The one who inherited Rosena's name. How can a weakling like you beat us, especially me?" She looks away. "What should I do?" "Leave her alone!" Maia and Naiyo confronted the boy. Hope went and hugs Maia. "It's okay." Maia said, comforting her. "Ah, one of the Legendary Magician Children and Wielder of the Sun Dragons." "So you know about us?" Naiyo said with a serious tone. "It's quite easy to get info these days." "Cut it out Shiro!" A voice called. They looked towards where the voice came from, which was a girl. The girl has long blond hair with teal highlights, wearing a teal blouse, white dress, silver bracelet with her initials, white sneakers, and one of her eyes is blue while the other is green. She approached them and Shiro sighs. "Oh no, the defender of justice is here!" He said sarcastically. "Shiro, you know this wrong. Just leave them alone." "I'm just trying to make sure they know their place." He then glares at Hope before he made his leave. Alice bowed in apology and follow. While Maia was comforting Hope, Naiyo was thinking about their team. "I wonder who else is on their team."


At the stadium, it was roaring with eager spectators. In one row, Blair, Hallie, Rosena was there to support their children. Rosena was the most excited out of them. "So how do you think they'll do?" Hallie asked, taking note of the intense turnout. "I think they'll do fine." Blair said. "I agree." The announcer walked on the stage. "Welcome everyone! Today, we have an exhibition match between Highpoint Academy and Eastwood Academy!" The crowd cheered. "So let's get things started! First, we have the newcomer with the Thompson name, Hope Thompson!" Hope walks up there nervous, but kind of focused. "Her opponent will be the very prideful, Shiro Kagemaru!" Shiro walks to the stage with confidence. An eager grin appears on his features. "Well, well. I have the honor of crushing you. Or I should say, you have the honor of being crushed by me." Hope glups and takes out her deck. "Whenever you guys are ready." The powerful army takes arms once again! Luminize! Legion ReBurst ver. 2! Hope's silver case changes into a silver rapier. The moon rises, the shadows descend, casting darkness over all! Luminize! Night of Dark Fog! Shiro's olive case with purple lining changes into an oliver specter in the shape of a cobra. "Buddy-!" "FIGHT!" "Raise the flag!" "I fight with Danger World!" "I'm with Katana World!" "Hope has the first move." The announcer said.

"Charge, and draw. I pay 1 gauge to equip Explosive Axe, Ricdeau Demon Slay (P: 6000, C: 3)." She notices Shiro's intimidating glare, then shakes her head and continues her turn. "I will then call Armorknight Little Drake (P: 2000, C:1, D: 1000) to my right. I will use his effect to discard a card from my hand and place a card from my drop zone to my weapon's soul. Then I will attack with Ricdeau Demon Slay." He smirked as his took the damage. "I will end." "Draw, charge and draw. First, I will cast Clear Serenity. Next, I will pay 1 gauge and buddycall Assassin of Dark Fog, Yoru (P: 6000, C: 2, D: 4000) to the left. Then I will call Binder of Dark Fog, Kusari (P: 4000, C: 1, D: 1000) to the right and pay 2 gauge to equip Assassination Blade, Shiranui (P: 4000, C: 2). Battle! Yoru will attack! Yoru's effect activates. I pay 1 gauge. Your weapon can be destroyed at the end of your next turn. If you choose not to, I can draw a card." A black mist surrounds her and damage her, causing the stone life counter to fall to 8. "Next is Kusari's effect. Since Yoru's effect activated, I can pay 1 gauge. I can choose a card from your hand. If you let me, it goes to the drop zone. If not, I gain a life. So what's your choice?" Hope looks at her cards but offers in defeat. Shiro destroys a card and Kusari attacks Hope, and she takes the damage. Shiro attacks with his weapon and activates it's effect. This time she decided not to discard a card. In result, she took extra damage.

Hand: 2-3
Gauge: 2-2
Life: 3-8
Item: Explosive Axe, Ricdeau Demon Slay- Assassination Blade, Shiranui

The women were closely watching the match. "He's controlling the match at this point." Hallie states. "Hope will need to at least find a way to survive the next turn." Blair said. Rosena's eyes are on Hope. "C'mon Hope. Don't let this guy tear you down." "Draw, charge and draw." Hope looks at her options. "What to do, what to do?" She starts to panic in her head. Shiro smirks and laughs. "This is pathetic. If you're confused on what to do now, then you will never make it far." Hope's team couldn't believe what he was saying. "Then again, I can't blame you. I mean, maybe it was a mistake on Rosena's behalf to adopt you." The stadium fell into a dead silence. Those words echo in her head. "Maybe it was a mistake on Rosena's behalf to adopt you." Rosena stands and cups her hands. "Hope! Beat this guy's tail and show him what you're made of!" Hope look towards the standing Rosena and nods. Rosena gave her a thumbs up, then took her seat. Hope takes a deep breath and a determined look appears on her face. "Let's go Shiro!"

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