Chapter 11: I Keep A Circle Can't Afford Squares

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Chresanto's POV

It was after school, the bell had just rung and I see Craig walking to his car. I nod my head signaling the boys to follow me. We all hoped in my car and followed Craig who stopped at some corner store. We waited as he left the store with a bag of chips in his hand, such a fat ass. Before he got to his car the boys pushed him into an alley. They held him against the wall as I came up in front of him. Once Craig seen my face he glared at me. He is going to pay from what he's done he needs to learn that lesson as well.

"So Craig, what did you wanted to say me?" I asked pacing back and forth.

"Go to hell Chresanto." He growled.

"Oh, don't worry I am." I grinned. "So I'm going to give you another chance to prove yourself worthy of me and my time."

"See that's your fucking problem Chres! You don't understand you're not that important like you say you are! You make everyone believe that you are the next almighty god, but newsflash you aren't! You conceded ass motherfucker!" Craig yelled. "I thought you were my boy, I rather hang with the old Chresanto than this son of a bitch standing in front of me."

I clenched my fist and gave Craig a blow to the face and the stomach. He fell to the floor.

"You're not so big when your boyfriend ain't around huh Craig?" I asked. Before I knew it I was on the floor being wailed on my Craig. He punched me from my face to my stomach. I didn't like it at all. I tried to block his shots but I couldn't do both. Finally I get the upper hand and started to hit Craig in the jaw and the eye. I got up and started to kick in his face and stomach. If he wants to chill with Jacob he can get beat like Jacob.

"Rayan, Daniel, Myles. Finish him off." I grunted. I was upset, beyond upset I was pissed off with Craig. How dare he chosen Jacob over me? King Chres? He was never a friend to me at all. I spat out the iron taste of blood out of my mouth on the floor. I watched as the boys violently kick in Craig's skull and side. I smiled ear to ear maybe he'll learn that family is first. I put my hand up for them to stop; the boys grabbed Craig and held him up.

"Now I am going to ask you again Craig, just for you being my brother I have sympathy towards you. Well not sympathy but pity. Do you think your worthy of my time?" I questioned. Craig's head hung low dangling. He started to chuckle.

"What the hell is so funny?" I snarled grabbing Craig's chin so he can face me. He smirked and spat blood filled spit in my face. I wiped it with my shirt shaking my head. I turned around and began to walk. Looking around I found a thick tree branch on the floor. I grabbed the tree branch and walked back to Craig until we were face to face with each other.

"Drop him." I grinned evilly. The boys did as they were instructed and drop Craig. I circled him once until I beat him senseless with the tree branch. Each groan was music to my ears, indescribable pleasure I got from hearing Craig screech out in pain. I smirked and continued harder and harder with each hit until the branch broke.

"Yo Chres, I think that's enough people are coming." Ray warned me.

"Are you feeling sympathy for that?" I asked pointing to Craig.

"W-what no. he is screaming so loud that people can hear him and find us or call the cops of something." Ray justified.

I panted out of breath throwing the broken piece of the branch on the floor. I crouch down to Craig's level. "If you don't leave Ponyboy Perez alone, this little get together will happen again, just almost every day. You wanted to be like Perez." I said panting. "Now you can." I said before kicking him one last time with all my force.

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