Chapter 4: Sorry?

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11:36 p.m , Fri

I slowly open my eyes as I wake up. I'm not in as much pain as I was during the beginning of this week. I slowly sat up in my bed and checked the time. 12:37 I have to go to work in a few hours. I haven't been in school most of this week besides Monday. I told my mother I feeling sick and needed to go to the doctors. Being how she is she never took me. She just gave me some medicine and called it a day.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. I wanted something sweet and tasty but simple. I didn't want to waste time trying to cook something I might not want. So I guess it's a bowl of cereal. I grabbed me a bowl and made me a bowl of Captain Crunch. I sat in front of the TV and flicked through the channels.

What to watch, what to watch. I don't want to watch the news nor do I want to watch infomercials about Grip Go. For one I wouldn't need it because I don't have use for it. I have no phone nor do I have a car. One of the stupidest inventions if you ask me. I continue to flip through the channels and ended up choosing Spongebob.

I laughed while I was eating it may be an old episode but its still funny.

"Ha ha it's a giraffe! Ha ha!" Patrick laughed. The funny part to me was that its an elephant. Well, maybe it wasn't as funny as I may have made it seem. After spongebob was over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came on and I didn't want to watch a show on talking turtles.

I flipped through the channels once more till I found this movie that seemed really interesting. It's called The Final, it seems like a horror movie. I don't really like horror movies but I guess I'll watch it. Twenty minutes in the movie I really started to get into it. Each character spoke to me. I was so into it that I didn't want second bowl of cereal.

After the movie was over I was ready to go back to my room when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and answered it. Who could be knocking on my door I don't have any actually friends. I opened the door and to my surprise I see Craig.

How did he find me?

Stupid he dropped you off home on Monday.


Se that's what you get for going with him.

What do you mean?

He can beat you up at home now there is no saving you.

I stared at him while I argue with my thoughts. He just looked at me crazy and snapped me out of my daze.

"Jacob?" He snapped his fingers. I jumped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked lowly.

"I came to check up on you to see if you were okay." Craig said.

"So your not here to hurt me?" I muttered.

"No!" He said shocked. "Can I come in?"

I stared at the ground for a while and stepped aside for him to walking in. He walked in and sat on the couch.

Ay dios mío Jacob es estúpido!  

(Oh my goodness Jacob are you stupid!)

No I just-

¿por qué lo dejaste entrar! 

(Why did you let him in!)

But I just-

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