#92 You steal each others phones:

Start from the beginning


"Guys! I'll look it up just pipe the fuck down." Louis huffed. "Yea, lets show Ni how wrong he is, about everything." Harry mumbled before chuckling at Niall's reaction to his comment. "Wait..where is my phone?" Louis asked as he frantically patted down all of his pockets. The rest of the guys checked their surroundings without ever actually getting up from their seats. Suddenly he started remembering your hand slipping down into his back pocket earlier when you hugged him. The two of you were fond of playing these games with each other. It was a fun and easy way to cop a feel and it'd eventually lead to a make-out session. He went out to the parking lot where he'd last seen you and called out your name a few times before he heard you giggling and crept closer to the area he heard it coming from. Suddenly you jumped out from behind a car, scaring the absolute shit out of him, making him yell out and clutch his chest. "HOLY-FUCK YOU!" He yelled as you crouched down laughing histerically. "Yea very funny, my fucking heart only stopped for a second." He said irritated. "Ah c'mon Lou, lighten up!" You said, breathlessly pushing him back. "Yea yea. Gimme my damn phone." "I don't have it." You smirked as you began to pace in slow circles around him, tracing your finger across his shoulders and chest. "C'mon hand it over." He said more impatient this time. "I would Lou..if I..had it." Your seductive tone told him exactly what your intentions were. He let you get behind him once more before he spun around and pinned your arms above your head against the S.U.V behind you, leaving your eyes wide and your mouth agape. He harshly pressed his lips against yours and forced his tongue down your throat, just like you loved doing to him. His erection started to grow as you began sucking on his tongue. He pulled away to look you in the eyes for a moment before lightly sinking his teeth into the base of your neck making you squeal. One of his hands slid into your back pocket while the other held your wrists together leaving you defenseless. His expression changed once he realized his phone wasn't back there. "Where is it?" You remained silent and flicked your eyes down to your chest. "Your bra?" He asked. "Mm hmm." You hummed in response. "Well lets get it out then." You gasped as he ran his warm hand slowly up your stomach and into your bra, hesitating for a moment as he kneaded your breast and flicked his tongue across your lips making you moan and then taking his phone. "Ah, that wasn't so bad was it?" He said, placing his hand around the back of your neck as he kissed the marks he'd left behind.


"So anyway like I was saying, he thinks Manchester is a better city to- Babe." Niall cut off his sentence to grab your attention. "Huh, what?" You answered. "You always hate when I have my phone out at dinner.." He whined, suggesting you to put your phone down. "Alright alright just let me finish this text and I'll- Hey!" You stopped midsentence as he yanked your phone from your hands. "Niall I'm texting my mom give it back!!" You whined. "Y/n, now don't make a scene." He said jokingly with a smirk. "I will make a scene if you dont GIVE IT.'' You grunted through your teeth. He pretended to ignore you as he stuffed more fries into his mouth and looked up at the television behind you that was playing the Derby match. "Niall!" You snapped your fingers in his face. "WHAT?" He finally snapped back. "Give..me..my..PHONE." You demanded yet again. "Howw abouttt....no." He said, giggling as he took another sip of his beer and looked back up to the tele. You'd given up on the verbal approach and decided to be more aggressive. As non-chalantly as possible, you took one of your fries and ran it through your ketchup before slinging it and busting out laughing as you watched your fry stick to his face and slowly slide down. Without a single word he slowly cocked his head to face you, making you laugh that much harder. "Oh, this is funny to you?" He asked sarcastically as he wiped the ketchup off of his face. "Kinda." You mumbled, stifling your laughter. "Well this should be hilarious." He said just as he stood up and pulled your shirt out just enough to pour the last of his milkshake inside. "NIALL!!" You squealed making the tables around you look. He too began laughing while you continued to gasp in disbelief. "Well heres your phone.." He said, laughing as he pushed your phone across the table to you. "I guess we'd better leave and get you cleaned up before the show tonight." He continued laughing, his face turning red as he rocked himself back and forth. He left the money on the table and quickly helped you to the car. "You don't have to be polite ya know..I'm still gonna kill you in your sleep for that." You said with a mock serious tone.


You'd just gotten home from a long day of work at the orphange and your head was pounding. Thankfully Zayn was in a good mood and offered to make dinner tonight without you having to complain to him about your headache. Of course he couldn't do this without having the music system blaring, making your attempt to nap on the sofa impossible. You didn't feel like walking all the way upstairs to your room so you'd attempted to cover your head with pillow but nothing could block the sound out. "Zayn honey...Zayyynnn!!!" You yelled out finally getting his attention. "Yea babe?" He responded, walking over to you with his hands covered in flour. "Will you turn the music down? please.." He huffed, "Yea sure." He turned the music down and went back to work. As much as you hated to say it, the music was still bothering your headache. "Zayn." You called out again. "Yesss babe." His tone was patient yet slightly annoyed. "Can we maybe just turn the music off?" "No, go upstairs if you don't like it." He answered, walking back to the kitchen and turning the music back up to it's original volume. His action pissed you off even more because of how inconsiderate he was being over your pain. Your anger took over as you yelled at him this time. "TURN THE MUSIC OFF!" You shouted. Not even seconds later you yelled again, "NOW!!". "NO!!" He yelled back, setting you off. "I HAVE A DAMN HEADACHE." You yelled again. In response he turned the music up louder. "Fucking asshole." You angrily mumbled to yourself as you got up and stomped into the kitchen to rip his phone off of the dock and stomp back to the living room. Not even seconds after you laid down with his phone under your stomach, you heard him come trampling up to the sofa making you cringe as to what he might do. "I'll give you one chance.." He said eerily calm. "Nope." You answered against the couch cushion. "Fair enough." He said as he climbed down onto your back and began poking and tickling your sides and legs making you thrash, screaming and laughing underneath him. "ALRIGHT OK GET OFF ME I'LL GIVE IT BACK!!" He stopped for a split second giving you enough time to flip over and hand him his phone. "Ok now get off me." You whined. "Ah, ah, ah..where's my kiss?" He asked with a cocky tone. "Ugh, come here." You huffed pulling him down to you by his shirt.

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