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everything happened so fast.

it's as if i wasn't there at all.

i couldn't comprehend what was taking place right in front of my eyes. and maybe i was just trying to be blind.

i don't know...

but then i realized yoongi had pulled taehyung, causing jimin to violently fall from his grasp.

yet the blood that spilled everywhere wasn't jimin's...it was yoongi's.

i was stunned. i couldn't bring myself to say anything.

taehyung had accidentally sliced yoongi's cheek. yoongi sat on the floor and held his bleeding skin with both his hands. he looked at me and mouthed, "i'm sorry."

i stared back in horror. for a second, i almost forgot jimin was there, also hurting.

taehyung simply looked down at yoongi in a sense of feat.

"what a fucktard," he snickered. "if i was that easy to kill, i would've been dead by now!"

taehyung kicked yoongi's stomach and stepped on it. i could almost hear his organs crushing inside. taehyung seemed to have completely forgotten about jimin who was only laying down on the floor behind him and me who was just sitting there, letting everything take place.

but what else could i do, right?

i've never been capable of anything else other than pretend everything's okay. i've always been selfish and i just can't fucking save anyone else but myself.

i looked away as taehyung continued to crush yoongi. jimin was still bleeding on the floor.

but i begged. oh god, i begged. he never listened. i wanted him to stop, though i knew he wouldn't.

what was the point? i knew there wasn't any. we were all going to die.

but that's just what makes humans like us so fucking vile and abject; we'd do anything and even beg not to die 'til our last breath.

for what? to say, "at least, i've done something. at least, i gave it my best shot."

but well my best shot got one of my friends killed right in front of me.

i watched him get stabbed right in the heart in front of me.

and he wasn't just my friend. he was my lover.

maybe i didn't feel for him as strong as i did for jimin, but i still loved him.

caught in a lie『 jikook 』Where stories live. Discover now