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Seraphine groaned as she reluctantly followed Erik onto Shaws boat, wondering how this awful plan was going to work

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Seraphine groaned as she reluctantly followed Erik onto Shaws boat, wondering how this awful plan was going to work.

"Herr Doktor." Shaw sees Erik walking towards him on the boat and stands up almost in shock "Little Erik Lehnnsherr." The blonde woman beside him speaks up "He's here to kill you." She uses her powers to give him the most painful migraine he's felt, making him fall to the floor. "What kind of greeting is that?" She then proceeds to throw him off the boat.

"Emma...We don't harm our own kind." Seraphine furrowed her brows to see a Coast Guard ship make its way towards them. "Ah! Now it's a party." A man on a megaphone spoke "This is the U.S. Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are." Emma- the blonde woman informed them "They have a telepath."

When the three were distracted by the telepath Seraphine walked out from the shadows, trying not to worry for her old friend. Shaws eyes widened at the sight of the brunette beauty. "Seraphine Kühn." He breathed out. She smirked "Long time no see Schmidt, shame it wasn't longer... For you." She stepped forward angrily remembering how he tortured her and gave her these powers. "You can't still be angry about the gift I gave you. It was destined for you, burning one."

She scoffed at his attempt to calm her down and quickly outstretched her arms sending a sphere of fire towards him. He simply absorbed the energy of the fire and smirked. "You didn't really think that was going to work, did you?"

She looked out to see Erik in the water, he sent her a small nod. "No, but this will." At the sight of large chains rising in the air she mock waved at the three mutants and jumped into the water. Rushing towards Erik. She huffed in anger when she saw Shaw and his mutants had made it to a submarine under the boat. Erik hadn't given up yet and tried to pull back the submarine, and slowly sank into the water as his energy was focused on it. Seraphine grabbed his arm in the water shaking her head.

Another splash was heard and a body was swimming towards them, grabbing Eriks body and swimming up. "Let it go! You have to let it go!" Erik gasped as he breaths above the water. "Get off me! Get off me!" Seraphine placed her right hand on his shoulder as a attempt to calm him. He looked at her and took a deep breath. "Calm down. Just breathe. We're here!" The other man spoke up.

The three mutants had gotten onto the coast guard ship. "Who are you?" The British man turned to Erik and Seraphine "My name's Charles Xavier." Erik narrowed his eyes "You were in my head. How did you do it?" Charles sighed "You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm your mind." Erik panted "I thought we were alone." Charles shook his head. "You're not alone. Erik, you're not alone."

castle on the hill > erik lehnsherr [discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora