"Good, because if we crash, it's your fault." He said taking shotgun. 

"Hm, good to know." You said putting your seat-belt on and backing out.

☽ ☆ ☾

"This," You started "Is the most boring thing I have ever set my mind to concentrating on." You mumbled. "And that's saying a lot." You were watching your grandfather get yet another strike.

"If you keep talking like that we'll start another round of bowling, paid by you." Came your grandfather's grudging response. 

"I did bring my car you know, I can choose when I leave or not." You replied, putting your head in your arms as you sat down at the small table by your lane. So far you were losing (By a lot) and your grandfather was winning. You could tell he had some serious practice at it.

"I'd stop you." Came his reply, and honestly you didn't feel like having him be so mad at you again, so you decided to stay. "Anyways, (y/n), it's your turn." He said, you stood up and grabbed a bowling ball that the bowling center had provided. You stepped up to the lane and aimed before you rolled the ball. 

"Split, of course." You said hopelessly as you watched the pins fall. 

"Not impossible to beat." Your grandfather offered.

"Well it is for me." You muttered and grabbed your ball again. You angled yourself to knock at least one over. "Awh crap." You said as the ball headed for the gutter. "Well, it's your turn, Pops."

"Look, (y/n), you need to angle your ball so it-" Your grandfather stopped, due to his phone ringing. "Ah. Okay gotta take this, I'll only be a moment." He said and started walking towards the back of the room. You sighed and sat back down, having to wait for your grandfather to finish his call. You started thinking about Sean again. Ever since you had that job interview your hopes of getting to Pax South were diminishing by the hour. You wished you could rely on your grandparents for money, but you also knew that was a childish thing to wish for. At this point in time all you wanted was to see Sean.

 "Um, we gotta go," Your grandfather's voice cut into your thoughts. "Now." 

 "Uhh, please say this is a joke Gramps, cause I am not having another day like the one with Grandma." You said, but you could tell his expression wasn't joking around. "Is something wrong?" 

 "I'll explain in the car, come on we need to cancel our game.." He said taking you by your wrist and pulling you to the front desk, you were glad to be wearing a long sleeved coat. You felt like he was rushing you too much, what could his phone call have been about? You climbed into the car in the drivers seat. 

"Okay, where to?" You asked.

 "Home. But can you please make it quick?" He asked, seemingly impatient.

 "Um, I'll try.." You said, starting up the car. You tried your best to drive quickly, but your grandfather kept shouting "Quicker!" Into your ear. "I'm not gonna speed." Was your reply "Unless I know the urgency of what we're doing. What's going on?" You asked stubbornly. "You told me you'd explain it to me in the car." Your grandfather sighed 

"Well, I wanted to hurry to be with your grandmother. She, well. uh," He stopped and coughed "While at the doctors they discovered a bump of some sort, apparently it's, well, cancerous." You almost slammed on the brakes when he said that.

 "What? What even.." You said. You didn't understand why your grandfather wanted to get there quickly, but your grandmother and cancer.. you couldn't bring yourself to think of it. "Is she gonna be alright?" You asked. 

 "Hopefully," Your grandfather started "We're gonna find out."

☽ ☆ ☾

You typed furiously on your keyboard. Stupid cancer. Stupid Pax South. Stupid life. You needed was a better reply from Sean. A better response.

Message from (u/n)
Sean, we really need to talk. Please message me.

You weren't even as worried as usual when you sent the message. You knew you probably came across as demanding but right now you needed to talk to someone. You felt relief when a reply came through.

Reply from JackSepticEye
What is it (y/n)?

Good, you had gotten Sean's attention.

Reply from (u/n)
Well to start, I had a job interview today and I'm almost positive I didn't land the job. I also had a day with my grandfather, which was cut short just like the one with my grandmother, only the difference is my grandmother was diagnosed with CANCER. Sean I don't know what to do I really need a job to earn money and I just can't ask my grandparents for some, especially now..

As you typed you felt like you just exploded with feelings and you wanted to break. You couldn't remember anyone else other than Alice that you could talk to like this, and yet this seemed different still.

Reply from JackSepticEye
I'm really sorry (y/n). I know what it feels like, kinda hopeless. My grandma died a while back, sometimes it still hurts. I wish now that I could help you, I don't see you being the type of person accepting money from someone else though.

He got one thing right, you were not easily given things. You felt like you had to have earned it, and you definitely had not.

Reply from (u/n)
Yep that's me. I don't like getting things unless I earned them I guess.

Now that you thought into it, what did you do to deserve Sean? Absolutely nothing. You didn't deserve him, or your grandparents.

Reply from JackSepticEye
(y/n), I'm happy to donate. Especially towards your grandma. That feels more like charity.

You stared at your screen trying to decide what to say next.

Reply from (u/n)
You sure?

Reply from JackSepticEye

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