Time travel or Dream?

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After finding out Erick had set up everything at home from the pup's room, highchairs...pretty much everything I put the pups to sleep and crashed in bed. I woke up the next morning reaching my hand out to find Erick but he was nowhere to be seen. I got up out of bed and went to see my babies I walked in but Preston, Hunter and Skylar were not there. That's when panic set in I rushed out of their room and downstairs into the kitchen- nothing, dining room- nothing. I ran into the living room and thank goodness. Erick was sitting on the couch, our babies each in their own rocker. I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding onto; Erick turned and shot me a jaw-dropping smile.

"Hey honey, sorry didn't mean to worry you. Pups were crying so I fed them and sat them down with me," Erick explained.

"It's okay" I sat down next to Erick, looking down at our pups. Hunter started to get restless so I picked him up cuddling him to my chest; he gave me a little smile, which melted my heart. I can't believe I pushed these little precious babies out, which is incredible. I gave Hunter little kisses all over his cute little face which made him giggle, I looked over and saw Erick had grabbed Preston and Skylar and was looking down at them.

"I'm so happy" I told Erick who looked over at me and by the look on his face I could tell he was thinking the same. Erick leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss, his tongue dancing over my lip. I denied his entry hearing a low grunt in the back of his throat; I smiled against his lips before allowing him entry. We both erupted stopped when we both heard our pups crying, we pulled away and looked down at babies to see what was wrong but they had stopped when we stopped kissing. I laughed at Erick who was also laughing; they were a day old and already didn't like mummy and daddy kissing.

The rest of the day I rested while Erick waited on me hand and foot, I felt terrible I couldn't help him out more but he had told me the doctor gave me strict orders to rest for the rest of the week. I helped out with the pups as much as I could without Erick yelling at me to sit and relax which was quite funny. I got up once to change Preston as he had done a stinky in his nappy but Erick grabbed Preston off me and walked off to change him in the babies' room. Next minute I could hear gagging coming from Erick I couldn't help but laugh.

"I could of done it," I said in a sing song voice as Erick reappeared holding Preston out a arms length, quickly giving him to me.

"Next time you can do the nappy!" Erick stated causing me to laugh once again. Once I sat Preston back in his rocker all three of them erupted into tears.

"Erick can you come help me, the pups are hungry" Erick rushed into the room looking at me, asking what he needs to do. I lifted my shirt up revealing my very swollen breasts and grabbing Preston I positioned him in front of my breast, he quickly latched on sucking at my teat.

"Erick grab Hunter and help him latch onto my breast" I asked Erick nodded, helping Hunter lay in my arm opposite Preston before helping him latch onto my teat. I held both of my boys in my arms while they drank till they were full. Once they were done Erick helped me put them back in their rockers, before grabbing Skylar in my arms and doing the exact same.

Once Skylar was back in her rocker my vision became blurry, all I can see was black. I shut my eyes tightly willingly the blackness to go away and luckily it did.

"That was strange" I said to my myself opening my eyes to find I was outside, sitting in an arm chair Erick sitting beside me. He turned to me and smiled at me, I looked at him puzzled going to say something when I heard giggling.

"Preston! Hand me the ball!" Yelled a little girl's voice. I snapped my head to the three children fighting over a ball; they look to be 7 or 8. The young girl flowing long brown hair with piercing green eyes, she looked over at me stomping her foot.

"Mum! Tell Preston to give me the ball, it's my turn" She exclaimed, I looked at her and Preston. The young boy had dark brown hair that was slightly longer than the other young boy he had beautiful grey eyes. Erick just laughed at the young girl throwing a little tantrum.

"Skylar just tackle him for it!" A young boy laughed, the young boy had short blond hair with light blue almost grey eyes. He smiled at me looking at me with admiration.

"Hunter we do not condone violence unless we need to" Erick spoke to the little boy named Hunter; these names I know them...Skylar, Preston and Hunter these are my children! But I only just gave birth to them this can't be...what happened? It's as if i time travelled into the future, or this is just a dream. 

"Violet, are you okay?" I looked over to Erick who reached over and grabbed my hand; I nodded my head giving him the best smile I could muster. He seemed to be thinking over what I said but just dropped it turning to look at our children, they were so happy playing/fighting. I don't know what is happening right now and I don't know how my children grew up so fast but I was going to enjoy the time I had with them now.

I got up out of my chair and ran at my children picking up Preston who laughed at me to put him down. I spun him around and noticed Erick had gotten up and had taken the ball off Skylar.

"Go long Babe!" I heard Erick call out to me I looked up letting go off Preston and running backwards, Erick threw the ball and I easily caught it. However as I caught it Preston, Skylar and Hunter all tackled me to the ground causing me to squeal in laughter, they all laughed while on top of me trying to grab at the ball. Erick ran over and quickly joined in the fun and lay gently on top of the kids and myself careful not to squish us with his weight.

"Ok mum is dying over here get off me!" I giggled as they all piled off of me, I looked up Erick was holding his hand out for me. I gladly took it and he easily helped me up, collecting me in his arms leaning down and giving me a passionate kiss. A kiss that made me weak at my knees, that made butterflies erupts in my stomach that made me so happy to have Erick in my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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