Meeting the pack... Pt. 2

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Finally edited!!  So guys, had to split this chapter cause it was like 10 pages long so here's part 2.

Hope you enjoy! And Sorry this chapter is short! :3

please tell me if you like it or not :D



 Chapter 8-


Part 2.

I gladly took a seat relaxing into the white plastic chair, it was so nice to relax, my feet have been killing me lately- I guess it could have something to do with the pregnancy, who knows I’ll ask the pack doctor later in the week.

I saw out the corner of my eye Lily getting up off Gwen’s lap and coming to sit over on my lap, giggling as she looked up at me.

“Hey cheeky!” I smiled tickling her tummy; she squirmed around on my lap as her cute little laughter echoed around the open area. I stopped tickling her, as she was about to fall off of my lap and cuddled her close, squeezing her lightly.

“You know I’ve never see Lily to take to someone so quick.” Gwen smiled, looking down at her daughter with pride and compassion. I’ve always heard a mother’s love for her own child was just as strong as a mate’s love for each other, I just wondered how I’ll be with my own children. I could feel my wolf stirring as I talked of our pups and I absentmindedly looked up to see Erick playing soccer. Oh great it's shirts vs skins and my lovely mate was on skins…as if I didn't have enough trouble with my hormones. I quickly turned back to Gwen forgetting that I had to answer her but I guess she got a little distracted as well, watching her mate that was on the skins side as well.

"EW! Mummy!" Lily screeched making me laugh as Gwen's cheeks turned bright red as she looked away, averting her gaze back to me.

"What? I was doing no such thing." She replied, a faint smile to her cheeks as she gave me an all too knowing smile. 

"It's okay babe, you can check me out all you want!" Hayden yelled catching Gwen's attention, as Hayden did…I don't even know what he did. It was a mix between a shimmy and body roll as he emphasized his abs. Gwen turned back to me, her cheeks once again beetroot red as she kept her attention to me rather than Hayden.

"So lily, what is your favourite colour?" I asked the little girl, distracting both myself and Gwen.

"Red!" She yelled back, giggling.

"Why red?" I asked.

"Because it's the colour of my hair and mummy's hair" She smiled brightly as I saw Gwen smile lovingly at her daughter. I really couldn't wait for my own child now! A werewolf's pregnancy is half the time of a normal human pregnancy, so about 4 to 5 months. Then you have Beta's and their mate's pregnancy is around about 3 to 4 months as is an Alpha's but an Alpha's pup develops quicker and may come sooner than a Beta's pup.

My mate saved me from a lap danceWhere stories live. Discover now