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Chapter 13 –

It has been several weeks since the last rogue attack, I have been relieved since I get my mate to myself as well as being able to rest while my little baby grows. I already knew wolf pregnancies were faster than normal but my tummy is very big, I have a nervous feeling I have more that one little baby in my tummy. I was sitting in the bath while having a deep think about my pregnancy when Erick came in...naked.

"W-What are you doing?" I spluttered my mate's man junk staring me dead in the face.

"I'm joining you" He smirked making his way into the tub; I shuffled forward so he could sit behind me. Erick wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me back to lie on his chest.

"Look at your tummy, our boy is growing strong" Erick whispered in my ear, resting his hands on my big stomach. I watched as his hands slowly caressed my bump, I loved feeling the warmth of his hands on my body. I just simply loved having Erick with me.

"Erick, I have...this feeling"

"And what's that baby?" Erick questioned, learning down to kiss my cheek.

"I know werewolf pregnancies are faster than normal, but I am a lot bigger than I should be" I said as I placed my hands over his.

"Nothing to be worried about princess, we can stop by and visit the doctor if you'd like?"

"Yeah that would probably be a good idea" I stated turning around to face my handsome mate, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him as close to me as possible. I felt his hands slowly wrap around me, engulfing me in his warmth.

"I love you" Erick whispered in my ear.

"I love you more"

We soon got out of the bath and got dressed and headed off to the pack doctor, a quaint elderly woman greeted us at the door and told us to take a seat. It wasn't long till the pack doctor came out of his office, a smile looming his face.

"Alpha so good to see you again, did those wounds heal up quickly?" He smiled, I quickly snapped my gaze up to Erick's. Why did he not tell me? He looked down at me and shot me an 'I will explain later' face before turning to smile back at the pack doctor.

"Yes they did thank you Elric, but this visit isn't not for me it is for Violet" Elric turned to shine me a bright smile, extending his hand out for me; he shook my hand firmly and curtly.

"So very nice to meet you Violet, I have heard a lot about you" My cheeks flushed red as I noticed an undeniable smirk on his lips, ugh! I hate when I blush, its so embarrassing.

Elric let out a little chuckle before leading us into his office; His office was fairly big, his desk was centered in the middle with two chairs on the opposite side. He had an examination desk off towards the side with obviously his doctor's equipment; I really don't know what half of the stuff is.

"So Violet what brings you here today?' Elric asked a smile still plastered on his face.

"Well I know werewolf pregnancies are faster than usual pregnancies but my stomach is a lot bigger than most would be. I just really want to see what's going on in there?" I laughed looking down at my tummy, Elric laughed and told me to take a seat on the examination table. He left the room quickly and came back in with what looked like to be an ultra sound machine, he got me to slowly lie down and he quickly set up the machine and monitor.

"Okay this might be a little cold" Elric answered before placing the little scanner with jell on it on my stomach, I jumped slightly from the coolness but it really wasn't that bad. I looked up at Erick who already had my hand in his, smiling reassuringly at me but you could tell he was really excited to see our baby.

"Do you see that?" Elric asked pointing to a little blob on the screen, a smile stretched across my face as I looked at our little baby. "There is baby number 1 is baby number 2" Elric smiled pointing to another little blob, I looked up at Erick who was beaming. Two little babies! "And last but not least baby number three"

"Three!" I exclaimed, this was totally unexpected but so exciting. Three little babies, this is so surreal. I looked up at Erick who was so intrigued with the screen, his face showing pure excitement.

"It looks as if they have formed enough to determine their sex, would you like to know? Elric asked looking at the both of us.



I looked up at Erick frowning at the same time he looked down at me, also frowning. "Why don't you want to know?" He asked.

"Because when they're born I want it to be a surprise!" I smiled using my puppy dog eyes on him, it seemed to work and he sighed before kissing my forehead.

"Alright will leave it for delivery day" He chuckled.

Elric cleaned my stomach and put away the machine before directing us to sit back in the chairs. He scheduled us another appointment so he can check the babies and make sure they are healthy; we shortly left after that and headed home. I plopped on the couch and Erick followed my lead and we just kind of just sat there, looking at each other.

"Three" He said smiling, I giggled in response and jumped onto Erick's lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling me close to me I couldn't wipe the smile off my lips.

"Three babies!" I exclaimed before burying my face into Erick's neck smelling his heavenly scent. I was having three beautiful children with this handsome man I am one lucky girl. Erick chuckled holding me closely, his fingers lightly brushing my hair.

"I love you Violet" Erick whispered.

"I love you more"

Erick pulled me back so he was looking straight into my eyes before capturing my lips with his. I kissed him back fiercely my hands gripping the back of his neck tightly, I felt his kisses become more intense as his hands gripped my hips.

Suddenly I was pinned against the couch, Erick looming over me a wicked grin on his lips. His hands found there way under my shirt as I reached for his belt buckle, making quick work with undoing his buckle and getting his pants off. When suddenly Erick froze on top of me, his face turning into a frown.

"What is it?" I ask hesitantly, that look could not be good.

"Violet I got to go and take care of some things" He voice was strained and I could tell something must be bad. Erick hoped off me zipping up his pants, before looking down at me shooting me an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry honey, hopefully I wont be to long. I'll make it up to you later" Erick chuckled nervously trying to shoot me a reassuring smile but it wasn't working. Before I could protest or say another word he was running out the door, giving me a quick goodbye knowing I would of objected if he didn't leave now. I huffed sitting up from the couch, now what was I meant to do? I was walking along the halls and noticed Erick's study door open a jar, curious I stepped inside noticing a tall dark figure. I thought Erick just left?

"Hello Violet so nice to see you again?" It can't be, not him, not now.

Trent Falcon.

My mate saved me from a lap danceWhere stories live. Discover now