Gajeel~Happy Ending

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Laxus P.O.V

"Bickslow I'm gonna kick your ass!!" I yelled as I chased him around.

"Nope! You have to do it!" He yelled out, 

"Have too! Have too!" his 'Babies' called out. 

"You know she has a boyfriend!" I exclaimed.

"Has that ever stopped you?" Ever piped in I looked at her with a 'The Fuck!' face. 

"All you have to do is kiss her," Freed said, 

"On the lips!" Bickslow added.

"Lips! Lips!" I sighed in defeat and yelled.

"Fine!" and continued with my sickness. 

Confused? Well you see, the Thunder League and I were heading home when we decided to play  a game of Dare and Death Dare, where if you get a Dare you can chicken out but you have to live with humiliation for the rest of the week, and if you get a Death Dare you have to do it no matter not. Me being the dumbass I am, I choose Death Dare knowing that Bickslow knew about my little feelings for Y/n. So now I have to do this and hope she doesn't punch me too hard because damn that woman can pack a punch!


I was feeling a little drunk when Laxus and the Thunder League walked in. He scanned the room and his eyes landed on me, I looked at him confused as he walked up to me. 

"Y/n?" he asked I just nodded as he sat down by me. 

"Promise whatever I do, you don't punch me. Promise?" he said looking at me seriously. 

"I-I promise," I said blushing a little. He murmured a 'Sorry' and leaned in.

At first, I was completely shocked, he lips touched mine and it... it felt great! I kissed back and could feel he was surprised, I heard everyone stop and look at us. Getting way into the kiss I slid my tongue on his bottom lip, which he let me in. I heard a growling and knew who it was. 


"The Fuck!" He yelled me and Laxus pulled away and looked up at him. "What the hell Y/n!" I looked at him with an 'Are you Fucking serious?' face. 

"Oh, so you get to kiss people but I don't?" I said glaring at him. he chuckled 

"What are you talking about?" I laughed 

"Don't act stupid!" I said getting up and walking over to him. 

"I saw you!" I said glaring at him so hard it was worse than Erza's. His eyes widened. 

"Oh, and I heard you," I said getting closer to him and started to mimic Levy's voice. 

"Oh, Gajeel! Harder!" I moaned Levy's face was beet red and I smirked. I did a loud moan just like hers but right in his ear. He was red too. 

"Did ya think I wouldn't find out?!" he looked down clearly out of sadness. 

"Why'd you do it Gajeel!? W-Was I not enough?" My voice cracking as tears brimmed my eyes. 

"Out of the girls, I would have at least thought you would have fucked lucy but Levy! FUCKING LEVY!" I yelled everyone gasped, Lucy looked offended. 

"I don't know why I've been asking myself the same thing." He stated quietly. I just looked at him as tears brimmed his eyes. For the first time in seeing The All Mighty Gajeel cry. 

"Well, you can have her now!" I said walking over to her and grabbing her by the hair. 

"Ow!" she yelped I threw her towards Gajeel as he caught her. 

"Oh, yeah!" I smirked, "Almost forgot I got you this from my last mission but when I went over you were to busy fucking the bookworm." I said throwing him an Iron Key. "You can eat if you want, I won't give a shit, because we're done," I then walked away as he yelled at me. I didn't care I just kept walking. 

(Time Skip) 2 Years

It's been 2 years since me and broke up. I was dating Laxus now and he was still with Levy. I was sitting on Laxus's lap when I felt something in his pocket. 

"Whats this?" he blushed 

"I-Its nothing!" he stammered out. 

He tried to block me from taking it but it was too late. It was a box, I opened it to find the most beautiful ring ever. 

"L-Laxus?" I asked looking up at him. He looked ay me with loving eyes as he took the box he got up and made me stand up. He got one knee I gasped. 

"Y/n you are the most wonderful woman I have ever met and I'm glad to call you mine, but I want to forever call you mine and I want you to forever stay by my side." He showed me the ring once more and said, "Y/n L/n will have the honor of making me the happiest man alive and marry me." 

Tears fell from my eyes, everyone was silent. I nodded my head rapidly and said yes over and over again. Everyone cheered and made their way over to us to give us hugs. 

"Now make me some Great-Grandchildren!" Makarov yelled from the bar. Laxus and I both blushed.

'I'm glad I'm marrying him, he saved me from that darkness that was eating me up because of Gajeel and I'm glad that I was able to return his feelings.' I thought as I smiled and kissed Laxus.



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