Have a wonderful day at school! Love you

I was about to reply when I bumped into someone causing me to drop my phone.

"Watch where you're going loser." I looked up to see a girl with blonde hair glaring at me.

"Excuse me?" I get I bumped into her, but she doesn't have to be rude about it.

"Just watch where the hell you're going." She says before storming off. I stared after her, she reminded me so much of Jessica that I wondered if they were related.

"Don't mind her she thinks she owns this school." I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned around to see a very cute boy with dirty blonde hair leaning against the office door. Has he been there this whole time? And where did Jake go? I stared at him.

"Oh, don't tell me you're deaf, I don't know any sign language." I giggled as he said this before rolling my eyes.

Holding my hand out I introduced myself. "I'm Ashley, first day here."

"Cool that means you need help getting around and I'm the man for the job." He says with a smirk before winking and releasing my hand.

"Alright just let me grab my schedule." I walked into the office seeing Jake nowhere in sight. How the heck did he even get past me?
I grabbed my schedule and quickly made my way back to Dylan.

"So where are you from?" Derek asked as we headed towards my locker.

"California." I studied my scheduled and groaned when I realized all my classes are far from each other.

We stopped at my locker. "Cool I'll be back I need to stop at my locker before the bell rings ok?" He informed me.

I nodded, and he took off around the corner. I was putting my stuff up in my locker and grabbing the books I would need when I decided to look down the hall. My eyes landed on the hottest guy I've ever seen in my eighteen years of life. Next to Ryan Reynolds of course.

He had jet black hair that shone in the hallway light, and from what I could see with the tight black shirt he was wearing he was well fit. There was a group of people standing around him. Amongst that group was Jessica and the girl I bumped into earlier, I'm not surprised to see them together. He had his arms around the waist of the girl I bumped into, I'm guessing they're dating.

As if he could feel me looking he looked up and we made eye contact. I was awestruck by how blue his eyes were, making his black hair stand out even more. He smirked, and I noticed I was openly checking him out, and I didn't care one bit.

"Hey, the bells about to ring you ready to go?" I jumped not realizing Derek was back. I broke out of my trance and turned to him with a smile.

"Yeah let's go."

As we started walking the opposite way from the model type guy I glanced back to see him still staring. He winked when he saw me looking at him again. I felt my cheeks get warm as I quickly turned around.

Once we made it to the classroom, I followed Derek as he walked to the back, my favorite place to sit. I sat down getting settled into the seat next to him and started unpacking my bag.

"How long have you been going here?" I asked Derek trying to start a conversation.

"Since freshman year. It's a good school I promise you're going to like it." He answered giving me a small smile.

"Why did you say the girl that I bumped into earlier thinks she owns the school?" I asked him curiously. Did her dad own the building or something?

"Well she's dating Blake the soon to be alpha." Blake must be the guy from the hall.

"Alpha?" He looked panicky for a moment as if that accidentally slipped out.

"Never mind."

"Ooook." I said dragging out the 'o', that was weird.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters that go here?" He asked changing the subject.

"Yes, my brother Jake and my step-sister Jessica."

More kids started filling in the classroom as we conversed. I stared at the door hoping for a certain person to walk in. That certain someone walked in moments later alone. His eyes locked on mine and he came walking our way. He sat in the desk on the other side of me and I held my breath.

"Hey, you're new here right?" He asked in a very husky voice. I nodded my head, unable to form a complete sentence suddenly. Why am I suddenly speechless? This close I could smell his cologne and it was clearly affecting my brain cells.

"My names Blake Ryder." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Ashley." I tell him while placing my hand in his. As soon as our skin touched I felt electricity go through me. I gasped and pulled my hand back. Shock crossed his features before he turned his focus to Derek as if he just noticed him.

"Hey little brother." He said in a teasing voice to him.

I turned around opened mouth looking at Derek not seeing the family resemblance at all.

"Your brother?" I asked stupidly. Blake chuckled but I ignored him.

"Unfortunately, yes, that douche bag is my brother." Derek says smirking at Blake.

"That's Mr. Douche bag to you." Blake playfully scolded him. I giggled, and Blake smirked at me showing his pearly whites. Derek just rolled his eyes.

"So new girl why did you move here?" Blake asked turning to me.

"My names Ashley and it's none of your business." I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

This was a mistake, because I pushed my boobs up making Blake look down at them. I quickly dropped my arms and Blake's eyes met mine again looking darker than before. Before he could say anything, I turned and focused on my work. I could feel his eyes on me most of the class. I didn't dare look over.

When the bell rang for second period Derek stayed back waiting for me. Unlike Blake, he walked to the door then turned around to look at me.

"See ya later new girl." He says with a wink before walking off. I turned to Derek who simply shrugged before grabbing my arm and pulling me out the classroom. I sighed, this is going to be a long year.

The Chosen One (unedited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang