Chapter Five - Whitney

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The sound of someone knocking on the door echoed throughout the now quiet house. Arabella rushed to answer it, and I followed. Before we could make it, Mystique jumped in front of us. "Can I help you, Tony?" she asked him with a warm-ish smile.

"Yes. Um, well," Tony stuttered. "Aren't we still on for our afternoon coffee date?" he challenged with sudden confidence.

"Oh, of course!" she exclaimed. Eying him up and down suspiciously. I really don't understand why. He was just wearing a t-shirt with some blue jeans. The only thing that was remotely strange about him was his fancy red sunglasses.

"You look remarkable, Pepper!" he complimented. As he looked over her shoulder, he said, "Arabella! I'm so sorry I won't be here for your birthday. Here, I made you and Jason a card."

"Thank you, Tony," she greeted.

"Do you want me to get your jacket?" I questioned.

"Oh no! We could have our coffee here," she suggested while walking further into the house.

"But I've been lookin' forward to this all week!" Tony whined.

"Do you think you kids will be alright?" she turned around to me and Arabella. Her fake smile almost made me throw-up.

"Do you know how old we are?" I tested with a smirk. Mystique simply rolled her eyes. That's the most Pepper-like move I've seen her pull all day!

"Have fun, kids!" Arabella retorted while stifling her laughter. She looked at me as the door closed. We had absolutely no idea what to do. I mean, who would!

We hurried down to the basement with Piper and Jimmy behind us. As we approached Jason he asked, "What's that?" while pointing to the birthday card in Arabella's hand.

"Tony gave us a birthday card. I just don't know why," she informed him.

"Did you open it?" he challenged her. Arabella just shook her head. "Oh for the love of Jesus freaking Christ lemme see it!" He sighed while taking it from her. He then read it:

"Dearest Pepper,

If you've read this, it means my wonderful plan is working! Please bring the kids with you to the Avengers Headquarters. Someone will help you once you get there.

Be safe!

Tony <3"

"Aw, Pepper's got a boyfriend!" Jason and I teased. She then rolled her eyes at us, which is probably the number one thing I've been missing.

"Okay, let's get ready!" Pepper said as she hurried us up the stairs.

"Wait, but are we not gonna address Pepperony?" Jason questioned her.

"Now's not the time, Jason. I need you guys to help each other pack bags. Grab things you'll need for about a week. And no, Jason, not food. There will be food at the headquarters for us." she instructed but we all just stared at her. "Well? What are you waiting for? Go!"

That's all we needed to scurry up the wooden steps.   

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