A SEQUEL?!?!?!

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S'up people. 


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The Valentine's Day is a magic day (even if you hate it like I do), so apart from the mega super hyper cool Dominic's POV extra I published in my other book English Accent, I decided to present all RHBS fans with a little treat as well!

Now, I know how you loved RHBS and how you can't live without it, because I can't, either. So being the wonderful person I am, I've decided to be Good Auntie Lucie and give you MOOOOOREEEEEEEE

So, as you've probably already figured out, RHBS is going to have a sequel. It's going to be titled Red Shoes, Black Coffee and its cover is going to look like this:

 It's going to be titled Red Shoes, Black Coffee and its cover is going to look like this:

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Pretty cool, huh?

I know, I know. Congratulations can be sent via private message or by post.

Haha, just kidding. I know everything about this cover is askew, though I still think it's beautiful. If anyone thinks otherwise, their opinions are not welcome.

Just kidding again. I love haters.

Sooooo, you can expect RSBC to be out somewhere in March. Probably. Maybe I'll manage to publish it by the the end of February but it's a short month aandI'm not making any promises. Make sure you check Wattpad everyday, cause YOU DON'T KNOW THE DAY OR THE HOUR.

And truth be told, I don't even know it myself yet, so seriously, check my account for news. Or simply follow me. It's not self-advertisement or anything. Okay, maybe a little. But hey, if you follow me it's going to be easier, right?

Anyways, just wait. I promise it'll be worth it. And for now, your lovely Aunt Lucie provides you with an excerpt! Enjooooyyy!

I'm just walking in a direction opposite to the one in which my head is turned when I collide with something. The force of the hit sends me flying backwards with my arms flailing. Since I'm standing in the passage between the tables, there is really nothing to hold on to, I quickly say a short prayer for the fall not to hurt too bad. I close my eyes and prepare myself for the hit that apparently never comes. 

My whole body tense, I crack one eye open, checking if I'm really still upright. When I confirm that I am, indeed, standing on my own two feet, I let out a sigh. It was close.

The sudden rush of adrenaline slowly recedes and I start feeling again. My heart thrashes against my ribs as I get used to breathing again. Looking down, I spot another hand wrapped around mine, holding me up and pressed to somebody. And I really mean some body. My front is pressed to some other front that seems warm and neither soft nor hard. Dropping my gaze, I let my eyes slowly track the hand all the way up the arm, then higher. My breath hitches seconds before I lock my gaze with the person standing in front of me when a distinctly familiar scent invades my nostrils. Terrified to lift my chin, I do it anyway, then find myself looking into a pair of warm, brown eyes. 

The first thought that enters my mind since the attempted fall is that this cannot, possibly, be happening again. 

P.S. I planned on posting this info much later but I just couldn't wait. I know I killed the suspense but I've got the patience the size of a chia seed. So... yeah. Sorry.

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