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"Nice socks." Jed nods to Makena's feet, sticking out from under her blanket. "Did they have a sell out in the lame-o department?"

My eyes dart between them both as I try to predict what's going to happen next. Makena's that kind of a girl who's just unpredictable. You never know if she's going to flip you off or beat the crap out of you.

Or do what she does right now.

Instead of overreacting, she brings her finger up to her mouth and licks it. I watch the tip of said finger as it travels all the way to Jed, who's lounging at the foot of her oversized couch. He squints as his eyes zero in on her hand, and the act looks hilarious behind his huge glasses. Makena touches the finger to his arm and slides it down, all the way to his elbow. Jed's wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt, so her skin makes contact with his. The moment it does, he jumps and leans away from her touch so fast he almost topples over and falls off of the couch with a yelp.

"What the hell, woman?" He exclaims, staring at her like as if she's gone crazy. "What was that?"

I stifle a laugh as Makena's lips stretch in a satisfied smile. "Congratulations. You now own my germs. Have fun being ill."

Jed winces and wipes his arm with disgust. Makena's eyes watch his every movement with clear amusement. She seems to draw extra gladness from his reaction.

"That's what you get for offending my shit-hot socks." She says smugly.

"You're psychotic." He shakes his head and crouches down on the armrest of the armchair. My armchair.

I lift my head and try to stare the living shit out of him but he doesn't seem to notice. Propping one half of his butt in the tiny space, he lets his other leg dangle on the side. He's totally invading my personal space. And from the way he angles his body further into me when he catches me glaring, I deduce he's fully aware of it.

"So what fascinating stuff has happened during the four days I've been gone?" Makena asks, switching her position, so that she's now sitting cross-legged on the bed, cradling her huge mug of tea in the space between her legs. "Any breaking news from the good old Pionneer?"

"Homecoming's coming. We're supposed to think of the topic." Jed answers.

Makena frowns. "Why?"

"Mrs. Scottinson's in charge."

"What!" Makena's jaw almost hits the rim of her mug. "But she's going to make us do everything!"

"She already has." I step in.

Makena bends over and buries her face in a pillow. Her groan is muffled by the soft material, but her meaning remains clear. "Godno."

Good to see someone shares my opinion on homecoming.

"What a shame I'm not going to be back for the whole next week." Makena straightens with a smile. She frowns terribly, though, when she punctuates her words with a body-wrenching cough.

"Show-off." Jed murmurs.

"I heard it, jerkface." Makena mumbles in between coughs. "And I'm not faking. You're going to learn once my little army of saliva-coated germs kicks in."

Jed winces and murmurs something under his breath. Makena flips him off and focuses on me.

"Anyways, I'm really happy you came to see me. I knew the idiot was going to come and grace me with his presence, but it was nice of you to go with him."

"No problem." I smile faintly. "I couldn't leave you alone with him."

The words gain me a dark look from Jed.

Red Hair, Black Soul (Red & Black #1)Where stories live. Discover now