09 | One sip

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I find him leaning against a tree.

During the breaks, we're able to go out to the courtyard in front of our school. Of course, it's a great excuse for most to go smoking around the corner or behind the near bushes. But I guess if someone wants to smoke, they'll do it anyway, and it's better to smoke out in the open where fresh air will recede the smell of smoke in a moment than do it in the school bathrooms, where the scent lingers for the rest of the day, making it impossible to enter.

Jed's not smoking, just standing there with his head tipped back against the trunk. When I come closer I notice his eyes are closed. No one is standing near him, which is quite strange. Everyone here is a part of some group. And Jed doesn't look like an outcast type. I am an outcast type. People like him are liked by everyone.

Well, mostly everyone.

He doesn't show any signs of noticing my approach. His arms are still crossed across his chest and eyes still closed when I stop a foot away from him. I'm not saying anything, just wait, keeping my eyes glued to his still form. For a second I wonder if it's possible to fall asleep upright. But then he opens his mouth and speaks.

"Should I start running or are you bored with trying to kill me?"

A strange mix of anger and embarrassment floods me.

"How do you know it's me?" I ask.

One eye cracks open. "Now that you've spoken, I know for certain."

I lift a brow.

"Your scent, Fiona." He says, opening both eyes now. I step aside as he pushes off of the trunk and straightens. It's the first time we're standing this close and I notice I have to tip my chin up to look at him. He didn't seem this tall behind the counter in the coffee shop or when he sat next to me in the class. And when he laid on the ground the first time we met, well, I didn't pay much thought to his height. I was more concerned about his health to notice. Now, when the top of my head barely reached his chin, it was hard not to.

"You smell of dark chocolate. It's quite easy to recognize you."

I stare at him. "Excuse me?"

Jed shrugs. He cocks his head to the side as his face dart between my face and the hand holding the cup.

"I see you found my present." He says.


"What's inside?"

"Something good."

I roll my eyes. "I want details."

Jed studies me. "You didn't even try it, did you?"

I shrug. "Forewarned is forearmed."

"I don't want to drug you, if that's what you fear."

What I fear is a dead maggot drowned in my coffee.

"How did you know where I have lessons?"

"I saw you exit the classroom on your way somewhere."

My brows pull in. "You followed me?"

"No. I slipped in and left the cup at your desk."

"How did you know which desk was mine?"

Jed sighs. "Your bag, Fiona. It's quite... outstanding."

I think about my black backpack covered with colourful zig zags.

"Okay. Let's say I believe you." I say slowly.

"What I still don't get is why would you get me coffee."

"And why not?"

"Bringing each other coffee is what sweet couples do. I'm not sweet and we're not a couple."

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