And The Texting Ensues

Start from the beginning

"Can I lick the spoon when you're finished?" Ben pouts, and it's impossible to say no.

We eagerly start pouring flour, sugar and baking soda in a bowl to make the crust. Within minutes the whole kitchen locks like a war zone, but the pie is perfect. We put it into the oven, and set the timer for 30 minutes. Ben and I walk over to the couch, and as we sit down, Senna squeezes in between us.

"I'm glad Senna's paw is better, he's a fighter!"

"Yeah, you should see the video of him realising the pill is in the sausage I gave him, I laughed until I couldn't breathe!" I say giggling, taking out my phone. I see several notifications on my home screen, and suddenly I can't breathe.

Max: Hey Ally, I'm sorry I haven't texted youuu, my mom took my phone as soon as I landed on Schipol.. Something about the girls I should leave alone ;)
Max: I miss you
Max: I'll text you tonight okay?  X

My brain suffers a meltdown. He misses me. He legitimately wants to speak to me. I quickly text him back.

Ally: Hi weirdo, yeah maybe I miss you too.
Ally: Text me past nine, yeah? We have guests and stuff :)

I smile at my phone, and Ben gives me a hella weird look.

"Aaare you watching the video without me? What you smiling about, hey?" Ben asks curiously. I start blushing, and load the video.

"Oh sorry.. It's a.. Meme about cats. Pretty cool... Anyway, here's the video of Senna." I hand him the phone, and my thoughts wander back to Max. Can the time not just leave, I really want to speak to him. Ugh.


It's twenty past nine, and my fingers are itching to text Ally. I feel so bad about ignoring her the past two days, I need to make it up to her.

Max: Ally, pls tell me your done nowww

Ally: he speaks.

Max: I'm sorryyy, let me make it up to you, please?

Ally: buy me food, that makes me happy.

Max: what's your address?

Ally: 21 Wickershire Street, London. Why do you want my address?

Max: Google Earth alwayz takin pics ;)

Ally: you weird Dutchman. I miss you, kinda.

Max: awwww I miss you too.

Max:  oh yeah, what did your mom say about the Monaco weekend?

Ally: she says I should start acting grownup and go out with friends.

Ally: so stock your kitchen with food. Imma comin.


Max: I'll send you your airline ticket, and pick you up in Monaco, can't wait to see youuu

Max: Also, bring a bikini. The yacht has a pool.

Ally: yeah and the yacht is also on the ocean, Einstein. I can't wait tho, but don't make me talk to people

Ally: I'll sit in the corner and eat.

Max: you will do no such thing, Miss Allison!!! You'll be by my side ;)

Max: I gots to go, we're having dinner.

Max: speak to you soon? I like youuu x

Ally: I like me too.

Ally: bye my Dutchman, don't choke. x


I put my phone down, just as my mum calls me.

"Ally, there's a delivery for you at the door." she looks puzzled.

I walk down to the front door frowning. Who could this be?

"A delivery for Mrs Carling-Verstappen." he reads of the delivery paper. I almost start laughing. Of course Max has something to do with it.

"Sign here please Ma'am." The guy says, looking tired and irritated. I sign the paper, and he leaves me with a huge box and a big bouquet of roses.

My curious side shows itself, and I drag the box to the living room. I grab scissors from the kitchen drawer, and slice the top flap of the box open. My heart almost stops.

It's a beautiful summer cocktail dress and a gorgeous red one piece. A note was attached, and I quickly scan it.

"For the most beautiful girl
in London. Looking forward to
that party." - M x

I think I'm inlove.

Texting Verstappen || A Max Verstappen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now