“Wait a second do you hear that” I said suddenly getting serious

“No I dont”

“Exactly” was my reply before I headed toward the direction of the tv room where Matthew was suppose to be talking to mom. Except there weren’t any voices.

“Ryan calm down” Lala said stopping before I had reached my destination

“How do you talk without voices. They said they were going to talk. And I hear silence. ” I whisper shouted at her

“Talking in tongue” she said laughing at her own joke that I didn’t in the least find funny

I rounded the corner quicker than she could get the word stop out her mouth. I don’t know what I expected to see but I know what I didn’t want to see. I didn’t want to see Matthew on top of my mother kissing her as if she was just a one night thing. I was completely shocked. Then his hand proceeded to a place that should never be touched. Her Honey Pot. I very loudly cleared my throat and they jumped apart like two teenagers. I was furious no one was suppose to touch my mother in that way. Lala quickly assessed the rapidly escalating situation and took control before it got completely out of hand.

“Nice seeing you again Matthew. I would shake your hand but I saw where it previously was sooo come on Ill show you to the door” Lala said quickly ushering him out the room.

I stood there completely in shock as my mom acted as if nothing happened.

“Come on upstairs” Lala said once she returned and saw me still in the same spot.

“As women we have needs and your mom was just getting hers fulfilled” Lala told me once we were in the safety of my room.

“No no no. My mother doesn’t have those kind of needs. They died when she had me” I said clearly in denial.

There was a soft knock at the door and I knew it was my mother wanting to talk about what just happened. So I did the mature thing and pretended to be sleep. I even added baby snores for effect. But Lala being the child that she is decided to face the situation head on and opened the door signaling in fact that we were still awake.

“Can we talk” My mom from the doorway

“No” I said at the same time Lala said yes.

“Anyways Ryan and Lala what you guys saw was completely inappropriate and I promise what you guys saw will never happen again” My mom said looking us both in the eye sincerely.

She took our silence as an invitation to keep talking.

“It’s been awhile since anyone has ever made me feel the way Matthew does when I’m around him. I guess I got a little carried away”

“Mom I guess I can get a little territorial sometimes. Your my mom and I don’t want to see anyone touching you like that at all. Without my permission” I told her honestly

“I hate to break it to you Ryan but I am a grown ass woman and I don’t need your permission” she told me directly with her hands on her hips.

“Before you leave I just wanted to say. Go ahead mama and get yours lord knows you need it” Lala said while ducking to avoid the pillow I had threw at her head.

My mother left the room and Lala and I sat in silence and had an unspoken staring battle. The one where no one initiates it and it just sort of happen. Personally I was getting lost her eyes. The hazel color tinged with a slight blue if you look close enough. It was gorgeous and if you kept staring they would eventually flash blue for a second but you had to be looking very close to see it. The longer I looked into her I could tell she was trying really hard to hide something from me.

“What happened” I asked not breaking the staring contest

“What do you mean” Lala asked suddenly caught off guard by my question

“Something happened today that your not telling me”

“Nothing happened” she said shifting her gaze quickly away from me. Which was her tell that she was lying

“Lie again” I said looking her in the eye to let her know I was serious

“I just don’t want you to overreact” she told me

“Who me over react. Neverrrr” I said dragging out the r.

“Its just that Warner wouldn’t leave me alone and he might have pushed me” she told me

Not wanting her to see how angry I was I quickly got up and turned the light off. I jumped back into bed and started to cover up. I couldn’t wait to go to school tomorrow and kick his ass. Lala didn’t need to know that though.

“When I said don’t over react I didn’t mean don’t have a reaction at all”

That was the last thing I heard before I forced my self to go to sleep. Several hours later I was awoken to the sound of a wolf howling obnoxiously. When my brain finally caught up I jumped out the bed. There were no wolves around here so it had to be Whitney. I opened the window and peeked over the edge but the howling never stopped. She obviously wanted me to come down. I tried to creep slowly out my room when a bark brought me back to the window. I looked out and she went and sat in front of Lala’s car.

“Bring Lala too” I whispered loudly trying to clarify

She immediately began to wag her tail happily. I used my ninja skills to creep into Lala’s room. I walked over to her bed and shook her lightly.

“If you aren’t Bennie Harris or T.I then get the fuck out” Lala told me sleepily

“Whitney wants us” I tried again to try and wake her

“Unless Whitney suddenly shaved her head. Grew a dick and then worked out for a sixpack she can wait a few more hours” Lala told me rudely.

“Well somebody needs to get laid” I whispered before I just picked her up out the bed and put her on her feet.

While she looked for her sandals I looked at her. She had definitely replaced the clothes she had on earlier. She replaced my basketball shorts with booty shorts that left nothing to the imagination. She took the baggy shirt and exchanged it for a tight wife beater that showed her purple bra through the front. After she had succeeded in finding her sandals she sleep walked all the way to the front door. We silently opened the front door and slipped out into the hot and sticky night. Whitney stood by the car completely naked.

“We have to hurry” she said seriously

“Whyyyyyy” she said drawing it out

“I wouldn’t have woke you if it wasn’t important” she told us while hopping in the front seat and speeding off

“Some tried to kill my sister” Whitney said

Saving The World While Falling For Your Bestfriend Is HardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora