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David used his powers to throw her to the wall.
"I was looking for someone else,but I guess this is my lucky day".
" you are not going to kill anyone, here".
He went closer to her.
"Cindy leave, run".
As Cindy ran Kira looked into David's eyes.
" you ",she said.
Cindy stopped.
" Dave",Kira called out.
"Cindy don't stop,run",then Cindy ran out.
" Dave, why are you doing this? ".
" I do not know what you are saying, I am not Dave,I am Sam ".
" yes, you are Dave,I know my cousin whenever I see him, my magic wasn't wrong, it lead me to you, Dave what ever face you wear I will always know you ".
" that's not true cousin, you wouldn't, you only got to know me because, my magic wasn't strong enough to change my eyes ".
" at least I recognized you, some wouldn't,let me go,Dave ".
" I just let you go,just like that, how am I sure you will keep your mouth shut,how am I sure you wouldn't come after her again ".
" what is it with this girl, Dave ".
" I want you to stay away from her,am I clear?".
"Yes Dave,you are clear".
Kira was now able to move but then she punched herself.
" what the hell is happening to me?,why am I punching myself?, why can't I stop?".
"You are punching yourself because you are not clear, if you were,you will be able to leave. You will keep punching yourself until you are actually clear inside, you will not just say it but believe it, be careful, if you don't believe on time, you could die punching yourself".
" Dave don't, please don't do this to me,I am your cousin, your favorite ".
" at least now you know I care for this girl more than I do for you, Kira ".
Few hours later
Kira appeared in David's father mansion
David mother saw her.
" Kira who did it to you? ".
Kira was bleeding all over, she was lucky to still be alive.
" it was Dave".
" I couldn't believe it myself ".
Bless house
" this house has a lot of bad memories".
"I don't understand you Sam".
" well you told me your best friend died here,don't you get frighten living here?".
"Come on,Sam you were just fighting with the next strongest evil child in the whole realm. Now you talk of being frighten".
" so are you okay? ".
" yes,but still wondering how she knew you ".
" she didn't ".
" she spoke as if she did ".
" because she is a confused young woman ".
" she called me Dave, I am not Dave, I am Sam and you know that so why listen to what some evil girl says".
"You are right,you can go home now,I am fine".
"Okay but if any thing, call me".
" as if I need to call you before you come ".
They laughed.
At the mansion
David appeared home.
" what the hell did you do to your cousin?".
" and what is that ?".
"She wouldn't tell me why,but I don't care what the reason might be for you to hurt her like that".
" well, it's good you don't care because there is no reason, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time ".
" that's all,no reason ".
" I thought you said you don't care ".
" don't test me, David ".
" do I ever have a reason for hurting someone ",David tried to go up stairs but his mother speed to him.
" you can hurt anyone but you can't hurt your cousin ".
"Evil doesn't have restrictions, you may think it's your friend it wouldn't come to you, so you let it hurt others
but some day, one day,it will come to you".
" if your grandfather know what you have done ".
" oh please mother I have all the rights to hurt everyone, to hurt anybody, but no one has the right to hurt me ,that what said in the family rule, even grandpa can't punish or hurt me for doing wrong he can only do so if I did right".
In school
They were at launch.
"You got Cindy in school what next".
" well, now I have to try to make Cindy see the evil child as the hero, any time I bring him up she stones him with a lot of horrible things ".
At the Evils kitchen
" I just don't believe it, the evil child change ".
" David, his name is David ".
" look at you ",she turned and looked at him and held him on his face.
" you, I can see you as a hero,through your eyes, not your appearance, not who you are but deep down in your eyes,but I can't say the same for the evil child ".
" then why don't you look in his eyes as well, maybe you will see the same thing you see in my eyes".
"No,I wouldn't".
David in his thought said" yes you would because i am the same person".
"Come to think of it,that day that evil girl came to kill me. You said the evil child didn't sent her as he didn't before, how did you know?".
" well, I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want you to date me because of that but because you actually loved me ".
" what are you talking about? ".
" when she tried to kill you before, I saved you, and she confessed that she came on her own that the evil child didn't sent her because the evil child never send someone to do his work for him. That's when I started believing in the evil child, that when I first saw you ".
" you acted not to know me in the kitchen ".
" I actually didn't know you, I saw you in a blink of an eye because I ran fast to save you but at the kitchen was when I actually first met you ".
Cindy went closer
" you are a true hero, not the evil child, you... ".
" the Evil child is the true hero ".
" do you ever take any glory".
"He saved you twice".
" and you saved me several times".
"Why can't you just see the good in the evil child".
" there you said it, he is evil ".
" I am only calling him evil because that's the only way you know him, from now on he would be referred to as the hero ".
" no way"
"Come, I will show you what the hero for so many people".
David shown her some of the testimonies of the people who he has helped.
Few weeks later
" do you know what the hero did yesterday?".
"No", Cindy was tired about all this talk about the hero.
" he helped a poor woman who couldn't pay her hospital bills,if he didn't do that she would have been died,he is doing new things every day".
"Sam stop talking to me about the hero, I mean the evil child, this is happening because you have been calling him the hero around me for past two weeks now".
" you have started to see him as a hero, David Glory will spread his Glory to the land".
"You are indeed a fan,but do you gain from this, why do you want me to see the good in him so badly".
" so you believe there is good in him".
"Well I am not blind to see all what he has been doing for the land".
" are you trying to say you don't see him to be evil anymore? ".
Few months later
In the play room
" I thought you are not going to be Like this forever, but it has already been months ".
" do you think it is to convince a girl like Cindy, that David Glory is a hero. "
"I think you have already convinced her,but you are just afraid that if you revile your actual self to her,you will leave you".
" I am not scared ".
" then prove it".

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