The land where evil rules

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             At the evils kitchen
"You don't know how happy I am that you now see David as a hero".
" you are wrong, I know how happy you are,you can't hide it,it's written all over you ".
" yeah I want to tell you something, I have not been totally honest with you ".
" what are you talking about? ".
" I am David Glory, I am the former evil child and now hero, I changed because of you, I wanted you to see the good in me,I am not all evil ".
" now, shut up Sam, you have gone too far,this isn't funny anymore, you think I wouldn't know the hero if I saw him,you look nothing like him ".
        David changed his face back to his original face.
"What?, who are you?,what are you?".
Cindy ran out.
David chased her and appeared in front of Cindy, at the stage where they sang Karaoke,Cindy was trying to run pass there. Every body saw David but they didn't run, there were not afraid anymore, he is now the hero no longer the evil child.
" wait Cindy, let me explain ".he held her.
" let me go ",Cindy was struggling as David held her hand and kissed her then she stopped struggling.
" I am sorry, I just wanted to calm you down ".
" why did you stop ",as she continued to kiss him.
Everyone took a picture and they started shouting" speak, speak, hero speak, say something speak ".
David spoke
" from the first time I met you, I knew some thing was special about you, I didn't know what,but I knew there was some thing about you, and I am sorry for trying to kill you, I am also sorry for pretending to be Sam,I just wanted you to see the good in me through Sam".
"From the first time I met you, or I thought about was how I could take you down, I didn't care about all the worries, but I knew I could put you down, from the first time I met you I saw evil in your eyes, but after you came to me in another form,I can only see a hero in your eyes, I look at you now and I see that hero again, I am calm. Apologies  accepted,for I know you didn't mean to have wanted to  me,because if you did you would have done it, and I also know you change your form only for the rights reasons".
The people yelled.
                  The play room
" wow,you did it, I watched the video all day. you are really good at confessing love. You regret trying to kill her!".
" I do regret trying to kill her ".
" yes,I know but you could have told her alone not in front of everyone, now everyone will know you tried to kill your girl friend".
"Forget about that, let's rejoice for the fact that the love of my life accepted me".
                 The real world
A boy is in a jewelry store,he is wearing a mask and holding a gun.
" put it in the bag,put it in the bag",
He shouted pointing the gun at the lady. After he has taken as many as he wants. He took the bag and ran out.
A red open roof car was waiting outside and he jumped inside the car very fast.
"What took you so long?".
" I went as fast as I could ".
When they found out they were no longer followed,the woman reduced her speed while he removed the mask from his face.
" so where are we going now, sis?".
"Some where not of this world".
" and where is that? ".
" a land where evil rules ".
                     In the mansion

Cindy was sitting on David's lab.
" okay, can't I come to your school now,because you didn't want me there before, because you didn't want me to find out the truth ".
" how did know?, you are so clever ".
" oh please, don't flatter me,it easy to pick up the dots. So can I transfer to your school now ".
" yes,you can ".
" yes!,I love you ".
" and the love birds are enjoying themselves ",said Max as he walked in.
" what did your parents say about this? ".
" nothing, they can't say anything as long as my grandpa is cool with it ".
" you are so lucky".
"Not my, clever".
                     The real world
They have been driving for hours and they got to a dead end, but the woman still kept driving.
"Sis,that's a hill,we will die".
" only if you don't believe ".
" what?".
"Don't worry my faith is enough for both of us. Many years ago I came here,I got really great powers,I even saw the future, but then I had to leave, but now I am back".
" what are you talking about sis?,stop sis,we will die.... ".
She jumped the hill and they went down, her brother closed his eyes.
Then they landed.
" open your eyes, Simon".
Simon opened his eyes and saw the entrance to a new world, it was like a market place, people buying and selling, kids playing and teens falling in love.
"This doesn't looks like where evil rules".
" yes,it doesn't but it is,would you love to live in a mansion ".
" cool ".
              In the mansion
David's mum ran to David's father, he was sitting on his chair.
" have you heard? ".
" I know ".
" then why are you so relaxed ?".
"because I know if we give her what she wants she would get bored and leaves".
" how are you so sure?".
"because I know all she wants is someone who is stubborn, if you obey she will leave easily".
" well that's going to be easy ".
" on the contrary, it will be hard,for a Glory we don't obey easily ".
              Outside the mansion
They drove in.
" I want to go look around ",said Simon.
" just make sure you don't get lost",said his sister as she disappeared.
"What the hell", said Simon in a scary state as he jumped out of the car.
She appeared in David's room. David was on top of his bed.
" how do you do, David ?,if that still your name".
"Who are you and what are you doing in my room?".
" I can see that you do not care that I am in the mansion but in your room,so tell what's your name? ".
"And why should I tell a complete stranger my name".
" because I am not a stranger,you see I first lived in this world a long time ago, but then I left,you are the one in this mansion that under those years. I know you as David Glory before if you have a different name, now correct me."
"I am David Glory".
" wow,I never expected them keep it but whatever ".
" what are you talking about? ".
" well you see,I have been gone for  so long,I need a tour, I want you to take me round the world, and I also wanted to visit an old friend while we are at it ".
" because you know who I am doesn't mean I get to obey you ".
" you don't get it,you wouldn't be obeying me because I know who you are,you would be obeying me because I am the only one who could hurt you,you see your family can't touch me, do you know why,it is because I can defeat each and every one of your little evil family all at once".
"Do you know who my family is!".
" oh yes I do, your family is the evil of all evil, the most evil beings in all the realm,the Glories,I may not be evil but I am more powerful ".
" I want you to leave my room, leave my mansion and leave my sight".
"Wow,I have never seen a Glory who is as soft as you. I have been here for a while and all you do is stare".
" who do you think is soft?",said David as he did his magic.
"Are you trying to stop me from breathing because I just feel some tickle".

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