The boy beneath

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In the back yard of the mansion
David was charging his fire as the thought of Kira went through his head.
"This is not good enough, I need to be more powerful".
Max walked towards him.
" your mum told me you were here and you have been here all morning ".
" what do you want Max?".
"I heard your cousin came".
"And I guess you heard from my mum".
He offed the fire.
" David do you realise that you are letting her get to you, I waited for you at the play room but you didn't show because you are here busy training ".
" Max leave,I am training, I will meet you later in the play room ".
" no,I am not going anywhere except you come along ".
" do you realise who you are talking to".
"Yes I do, but I don't think you realise who you are anymore".
" Max don't test my patient".
" come off it David, this isn't you, you are not to be controlled by your cousin, you are not to be controlled by any one ".
" I am not being controlled ".
" oh you look like you are ".
" I guess I lost it for a bit,contact the investigator, haven't he found the girl yet".
Max pressed his phone to contact the boy.
The boy appeared
"What do you have for me?", asked David.
" the friend doesn't want to comply,but I believe Cindy still communicates with her ".
David speed and pushed the boy to the tree holding his neck with one hand.
" what are you telling me ".
" if you could go and speak to her yourself I know she would comply ".
" so you are sending me what I already sent you ".
" no,it not like that".
David squeeze his neck
"David", called Max.
" okey we go now ".
David and Max disappeared.
In Bless house
David and Max appears.
Bless was holding a glass tray with some apples,when she saw David, she was shocked and the tray fell from her hands and broke. David looked at her.
" I guess you know why we are here".
Bless tried to run away but David speed and was ahead of her.
"Where is Cindy?".
" I would never tell you anything".
He took from the piece of glass on the floor with his power.
"I will only ask one more time, where is Cindy?".
" I guess you will never know,right ".
" no you are wrong, someone else will tell me or I just fine her any way,but then you will be dead,are you ready to die for Cindy ".
" if I tell you, you will kill me any way, so I do not regret this decision if you care to know ".
David stab the glass in her stomach
" Dave no...,you shouldn't have done that",said Max.
"Let go Max".
" why did you have to hurt her, I am talking her to the hospital ".
" you will do no such thing ".
" I can't leave her here".
"Yes, you can".
David touch Max on his shoulder and they disappeared.
Shortly after Cindy came in.
" Bless I am home".
She saw Bless on the floor bleeding
"Oh my God,Bless,I will take you to the hospital".trying to raise her up
" no,I am far gone".
"Bless,who did this to you?".
Till holding her close to her body.
" you just need to know that I do not regret sacrificing my life for yours,you must go into hiding, do not let my sacrifice go to waste ",the last words broke as she spoke.
Bless drew her last breath.
" no.....,Ble......ssss......"
Cindy screams and cries.
In the play house
David is sitting drinking juice.
Max is pacing around the room.
"You shouldn't have done that".
" since when is killing not the right thing to do ".
" since ever,you could kidnapped her,or wait there,Cindy would have showed up,but you just have to kill her. Oh my God."
David continued drinking his juice.
"How are you still able to swollen that,you just killed someone, yes it is normal for you I tend to forget but don't you have a conscience".
" it's in my blood Max,stop blabbing and shut up,I don't want to hear any more".
In David father's mansion
David sat on a high stool close to a bar in the house. The investigator stood and faced him.
"To show up here,I hope you have something interesting or else your life ends here and you know I don't play with my words".
" yes what I have to say is very interesting ".
" spill".
"I know the where about of Cindy, seems she isn't hiding any more".
" great, the best news you ever give me".
He stood up and went closer to him, he touched him.
"Show me" and the investigator smiles,they disappeared.
Cindy was outside another company, she prayed to get the job,this time.
"There she is",
"Good", he disappeared and appeared in front of Cindy before Cindy could realise he touched her and disappeared with her. They appeared on a really really high hill.
" you aren't still satisfied, you took my job, my friend and now me. I just buried my friend for God sake,yes,I knock you down but what's the big deal ".
" you really think you knock me down ",he started laughing.
" what's so funny".
"You didn't knock me down, i only pretended to have fallen,I saw how stupid you were. But if you tried to kill me back then thinking I was unconscious you would not have seen this day".
" pain for me,more days being scared that soon enough the evil child will come for me. I am tired of running, here I am, kill me and I can finally join my friend ".
" my pressure ".
Down the hill
Max came out of his car,he saw the investigator.
" hey you ".
The investigator tried to run,he appeared in front of him.
" you think you are faster than I, where is Dave?".
"I don't know".
"Don't play with me,his mother said he left with you".
" his mother got eyes everywhere, nothing get pass her,yes he did and I brought him to Cindy and he disappeared with her. I don't know where he took her to ".
" to the place he kills everyone who stood up to him ",he disappeared.
On the hill
Max appeared behind Dave.
" it's a pity your friend has to die for you, some one who gives up easily, your friend died for nothing ".
" you are thirsty and need to quench it,do it now and get over with it".
"Alright", David brought out fire ball from his body.
"No Dave,you don't have to do this".
" what are you doing here Max".Dave turned to Max.
"Yes,killing is in your blood but it doesn't have to be who you are".
"Yes it does and how many times would I tell you that you don't tell me what to do", he eyes turned red and he hit Max with the fire ball,Max fell unconscious and over the hill.
" now that's done,let's get this over with ".
" you killed your best friend ".
David smiled evilly ,David brought a knife from his hand and thrown it at her,Kira appeared in front of her but she was also fast but not fast enough to avoid the blade .
" Kira, oh my God,what have I done",with a cracked voice.
"Oh good you  got a heart".
David looked at Cindy and wanted to finish her off especially saying something like that at this moment but Kira cried in pain.
David carried her and flew to the hospital.
" great they left me on this high hill alone,don't they know that I can't fly".
Cindy sat down just looking below.
At the hospital
David sat alone in the waiting room, no one would dear sit beside the evil child, David didn't care about them at that time but they were afraid and fled.
"Good day", the nurse said to David in fear.
David looked at her.
" we are done ".
" can I see her now".
"Yes you can", David got up and went to see Kira.
On the hill
Cindy thought it would be ridiculous to shout for help" who will hear me",she thought but she did it anyway.
"Help,help,help", and some one did.
A guy with a long black coat heard Cindy when no one did. He stopped on the road to listen carefully where the voice was coming from as people walked passed him,he found where Cindy was and flew up to her rescue.
Seeing Cindy looking unharmed.
" you don't look like you need help".
"Oh my God,you heard me, I am so happy".
" yes,I heard you and you waited my time ".the boy was about to leave when Cindy said" wait,I can't fly,I need your help".
"If you can't fly,how did you get up here?".
Cindy thought if she told him it was the evil child he wouldn't help.
" it's a long story,but if you help me get down, I will tell you,I really need your help".
So the boy went to Cindy, held her around her waist and flew up then down.
"Thank you my hero", she pecked him.
" so how did you get up there?".
"The evil child took me there".
" I heard about him but haven't seen him ".
" I don't wish for you to see him,it will be the last thing you ever see".
"So what I have heard is true".
" I don't know what you have heard,but if it evil, then it true. The evil child is as evil as it's gets".
At the hospital
"How are you doing?".
" great, never expect you to stab me".
"Never expect you to die for some one".
" I wish,why would I do that".
"Then why did you interfere with my fight".
" that was a fight, I thought it was a slaughter,I wasn't there because I wanted to protect her,I don't even know her,why would I protect her,I ask around where you were,and they told me you were up on the hill,I appeared to see you, I didn't know I will appear in front of danger. I am only lucky the knife didn't meet a serious organ in my body or I would be dead by now ".
" oh shut up you are too young for that ".
" you have killed people younger than me".
David went deep into his thought.
In the mansion.
David was 5years old and tried to sleep only this baby cried so loud he couldn't sleep.
"Mummy please stop that noise I can't sleep".
" Dave, our neighbor just had a child and he is making you sleepless why don't you end it your self, why don't you take away the nuisance and have a sound sleep ".
" take away the nuisance ".
" yes,Dave take away the nuisance, it not that far,just right over there lies the neighbor and the nuisance ".
David got up from his bed.
" I have to take away the nuisance ".
" yes,Dave ".
" so I can have sound sleep ".
" you got it,Dave ".
David went out of his room, to out of his house and into the neighbor's house .
" take away the nuisance and have sound sleep ".
The baby kept crying.
David held the baby tight on his neck and tried to strangle the baby,the baby cried louder and he felt the pain and thought " it just a baby, what am I doing? ".
He stopped pressing his neck and disappeared, the mother came immediately to pet her baby,the baby stopped crying there after.
When David's mother didn't hear the baby cry, she thought he did it. David appeared.
" you did it, honey,tell me how do you feel knowing you are going to sleep well from now on ".
" mummy I couldn't ",David said as he cried.
" and what does that make you, a baby".she walked out of him.
When his father heard ,he locked him out side, in the sun and in the rain. He cried and cried but his parents didn't come for him,he was left out side the whole night and they didn't care. His grand father came to visit,he ran after him but instead of carrying him up as before he pushed him to the mud and his cousins spat on him.
"You are a coward little one,cowards die quick".
" easy method,take a knife slice the throat and you are done, quick and easy,to form a knife concentrate your power force on your hand and imagine a knife ",advanced Kira.
And they went in the mansion.
David thought with his little mind and he knew if he didn't do some thing, he will die quick for sure,because his family doesn't care,with the little power he had left in him he concentrated hard and brought out a knife and said" it either him or me",David went back to the neighbor's house but this time the baby was at sleep, David didn't look back and with his little hands he slit the baby's throat and disappeared,the next thing his parents heard was a shout and they with in them their son was just conceived. David didn't only turn evil as they wanted he turned worst.

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